Leicester College News

Exploring the world and beyond


Hannah McKeand, world explorer and polar record holder, will be inspiring Leicester College Performing Arts and Music Technology learners during an illustrated talk in our Abbey Park Theatre on Thursday 25 September.

Hannah-McKeandHannah is an accomplished explorer; in 2006 she set a new world record of 39 days, 9 hours and 33 minutes for her solo and unsupported journey from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole.

During her talk Hannah will be engaging our learners with details of her exploration of The Western Desert, her participation in a Round the World Yacht race in 2005, and her experiences at the North and South Poles.

As well as being an accomplished explorer, Hannah is also the daughter of our Performing Arts lecturer Ian McKeand.

Kirsti Lord, Curriculum Area Manager for Performing Arts commented:  “The College is incredibly fortunate that Hannah is able to provide the time to talk to our learners, to inspire and encourage them to embrace and follow their dreams. Hannah is a true advocate of the incredible feats an individual can achieve.”

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