Learning coaches and mentors


Learning Mentors

Learning mentors are adults from the local community with positive experiences of the world of learning and work. They work with an individual learner to provide consistent mentoring to support learning.

This support may be practical – helping you negotiate with tutors or manage your coursework better – or in a befriending role to help you during your studies.

Specific and achievable goals may be identified for you to work towards, which your mentor will monitor. Your mentoring relationship will be supported by the College, although there will be confidentiality between you and your mentor.

How/why is a mentor assigned?

Learners are encouraged to self-refer – you may request to have a mentor by asking your tutor.

If your tutor feels you could benefit from the support of a mentor then you may be assigned one based on your area of learning. Your mentor will help you tackle any areas for improvement -from progression to attendance- and help you to boost your performance in College.

Learning Coaches

Learning coaches also offer support during your studies. A mentor will work with you to meet your pastoral needs and offer other support, while a learning coach gets more actively involved in the academic side of College life. There is some overlap in what the two roles can offer, but as a guide, a learning coach helps with:

  • pastoral support
  • academic support
  • help with target setting
  • target reviews to ensure your success on your programme of study
  • referring you to other student support areas, both inside and outside the College, when required
  • help with progression opportunities

To help you progress we also deliver a programme called LEAP, which is our Learner Employability Achievement Programme. This programme has been designed to help enhance the development of your study and employability skills through a range of fun and exciting projects, workshops and employer led events that will help you to:

  • develop a positive mind set and build resilience
  • become work ready
  • achieve your full potential
  • hone your entrepreneurial skills.

Call us for more information on 0116 224 2240 or email us