Care Experienced Young People

We understand that everyone’s journey is unique. That means that the support you need to succeed at college is also unique.  

Our Student Support Co-ordinator is our Care Experienced Young People (CEYP) Designate. They will oversee all your education plans and be in contact with your social worker and Virtual School.  

As a care experienced young person, we know that you may need some extra support, and we’re here to help you with that. We have a range of services designed to help you and make sure that you have the tools and opportunities you need to succeed academically and personally.  

Personalised support  

You will be allocated a learning mentor, who will begin work with you as soon as you start at college. They work with you to help with things like developing techniques for studying, making new friends at college and managing relationships with housemates and other people in your personal life. This means you won’t be alone to deal with any challenges you may come across.  

At least twice a year you will have the chance to talk about your Personal Education Plan (PEP) with staff from the college. This is to help make sure that you are meeting your targets as well as getting the personalised support you need. It’s a time to tell us how you feel about college and let us know if there is anything else you need from us.  

All students have access to free and confidential counselling services, and sexual health clinics. People who have long-term mental health needs or a diagnosed mental health condition can also access our ASPIRE services

Finance advice  

We know that money can be a worry. We have a number of ways to support you. Apprentices with the college are not able to access these bursaries or the Learner Support Fund.

These include: 


There are bursaries to help financially while you study:  

  1. for 16-18 looked after children, which is £30 a week
  2. for people aged 19 or over who are care experienced of £33 a week.

These are all paid term time only and are subject to you having no unauthorised absences.  To receive these you need to apply for the Learner Support Fund. 

Learner Support Fund*

There are 2 funds, one for 16-18 year olds and one for people aged 19 or over. These pay for things like bus passes**, fees for kits and equipment for your course, and childcare.  

People who are care experience are guaranteed to receive these but you need to fill in the Learner Support Fund application form to access these.   

If you are under 19 you do not have to pay course fees. If you are 19 or over whether you have to pay for course fees depends on what qualifications you already have. 

We can also provide advice and guidance about funding and loans for education if you need it.   

Transition support  

If you need help before you start college deciding what you would like to study, we have free and independent careers advisors 

To help you make the move to college we hold events where you can discover more about the college and meet staff. At these you’ll also find out about our dedicated support to care experienced young people.  Keep an eye out for these events

Once you have applied, you’ll be invited to come to college during the summer to our special transition events. 


For more information on the support we provide for Care Experienced Young People here at Leicester College call 0116 224 2240 and ask for the Mentoring Team Leader.


*Subject to availability

**Subject to the distance you live from the College