Careers service

The Leicester College Careers Team and on-site National Careers Service Team offer FREE, impartial, information, advice, and guidance (IAG) to young people (under 19) and adults (19+). The Matrix Accredited service is fully accessible to all students and the wider community.

You can request support from one of our careers advisors by filling out the Careers Service Enquiry Form.

A whole range of advice, guidance and support is available including:

  • Develop your employability skills
  • Career matching tests, careers information and job profiles
  • Course options
  • Comparability of overseas qualifications
  • CV, job search and application support
  • Mock interviews
  • Self-employment options
  • Steps to a successful career
  • University application support
  • Using social media in job hunting
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Ways to gain valuable work experience
  • Ways to gain valuable work experience
  • Work or study abroad options

Appointments are available via Microsoft Teams, face to face, email, or telephone. Simply fill out the form below and a careers advisor will respond to you within three working days.



National Careers Service Logo

The National Careers Service (NCS) also provides a drop-in service to all 19+ adults (subject to availability). This service is available at the Abbey Park Campus Monday-Friday 9-3pm in the Careers Hub near Student Services. The National Careers Service also provides IAG at the City Skills Centre.


Our careers advisors are qualified careers guidance professionals with years of experience who are dedicated to helping you progress successfully into education, employment, or training by providing impartial information, advice and guidance that is fully integrated, accessible, and highly regarded. Our careers service is fully accessible to all students and the wider community – and it is completely free. Available at all of our main campuses.

You can request a call back from one of our careers advisors by filling the Careers Service Enquiry Form.

Alternatively you can contact the government’s careers advice line for teenagers.

Alternatively you can contact us by email

If you would like to contact a careers adviser, please use the emails below:


Post-16 options

Resources and The Gatsby Benchmarks


Career Resources

The Gatsby Benchmarks

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help understand the current job market, to understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. It’s essentially information about job markets, the supply and demand of labour.

Labour market information can tell you:

  • What jobs and skills employers are looking for
  • Which industries are recruiting and where they are located
  • The number of people in specific types of jobs
  • Which job roles are growing and which are declining as well as general employment trends.

Click below to see the World of Work guide produced by LLEP.

Matrix Accredited Service

Leicester College Careers Team is proud to have been awarded the accolade of the matrix Standard for many years, always striving for excellence and good quality across all of our work, using it as a model that underpins all of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG). The Matrix Standard accreditation essentially means that the college has achieved the kite mark standard and furthermore delighted to be recognised as a leading provider by Matrix.

A number of strengths were highlighted in the assessment, including*:

  • The organisation has established a system of IAG delivery across the organisation that is operating  with  high  degrees  of  professional  integrity  and  able  to  offer  learners impartial and objective services.  In particular  they are offering  well qualified careers services  for  the  full  range  of  their  learners 16-19 and 19+.
  • Managers and staff had a clear understanding of the IAG system in the College, the inter-relationships of  service  provision  and  the  roles  that  they  all  play;  staff  can articulate  the  clear links of  their  particular  IAG  delivery to  the  overall  ambitions  of Leicester College.
  • Leicester College has established a broad range of partnerships and networks that are meaningfully enhancing their IAG delivery; they are gaining useful feedback through them to shape service development.
  • Leicester College is already working effectively  with technology to support their IAG delivery;  the  more  robust  use  of  Pro-Monitor,  Google  Analytics  monitoring  of  the website, weekly blogs, dedicated Careers Team Social media, and introduction of the QDP feedback system are positive examples.

The college are really pleased to be awarded with the Matrix Standard re-accreditation and look forward to meeting the standard again in 2021, which will give all of our current and potential students confidence in the high-quality, impartial careers advice and guidance that we provide. The Matrix Standard is the unique quality framework for organisations to assess and measure their information, advice, and guidance services. Assessments are rigorous and are carried out every three years, and reviewed annually.

Read more on our case study here.

See the Matrix Standard kitemark here.

Source: *LC Matrix Report Rob Barlow 10/12/18

Careers Team

Careers Advisors

Dana Mowatt (Careers Leader, advice and guidance)

The Leicester College Careers Team and National Careers Service offer free, impartial, information, advice, and guidance to young people and adults. Our friendly, experienced advisors are available to offer you a personalised advice and guidance service.

You can access a range of support to enable you to make the transition on to your next step whether it is to further study including university, or employment, traineeships or an apprenticeships and volunteering and more.

Meet the Careers Advisors

College Careers Advisors (16-18)

Sarfraz Ahmed, Lisa Wilford, Sonia Riyait, Emma Lynch, Fenella McCullough (advisors)

National Careers Service LogoNational Careers Service Advisors (19+)

Kieran McLeish, Nasser Allarakhia, and Martina Fazio

Careers Leadership Team

Leicester College has a Careers Leadership Team, the purpose of which is to oversee the strategic direction and implementation of the college Careers Strategy. The group will ensure the effective implementation of the Department for Education Careers Strategy (Dec 2017) and good practice Gatsby Benchmarks (2014).

The Careers Leadership Team consists of:

Vice Principal, Study Programmes and Apprenticeships

Deborah Donnarumma

Director of Student Services and Marketing

Zoe Butler – Strategic Careers Lead

Operational Leads

Gail Pringle – Careers – Students Services 16-18 & 19+

Lee Barrett – Head of Personal and Social Development

Awards, Accolades and Accreditation

The College has a strong reputation for careers with many positive comments in the OFSTED report 2017. The Careers Service contributed to the success of winning the Nursing Times Award 2018, HRH Integrated Approaches to Care, to be the first careers service to win an award for their partnership in the BOOST project working with young cancer survivors. Other Leicester College Careers Team Awards include:

• Smart Assessors – Special Recognition Award – Digital CV’s

• Juniper – CEIAG Provider, Referral Provider, Positive Partnership – 3 Awards

• Nomination Association of College Beacon Awards

The National Careers Service was rated outstanding by OFSTED inspection for the East Midlands which the careers team has also been part of and have been shortlisted for Staff-Excellence Awards. The Matrix Standard has also chosen to showcase the good work that the team have done as case studies on their website, as well as the Association of Colleges, as a result of their work on the Personal Guidance Fund.

Get the Jump

Taking your next step in life can be daunting. If you’re aged 14-19, the new ‘Get the Jump’ – Skills for Life pages on the National Careers Service website can help take the stress out of making your next move.

It breaks down the training and education choices that are out there for you, all in one place.

Learn more about T Levels, which mix classroom and on-the-job training so you can get a feel of a workplace. Or an Apprenticeship, so you can earn and learn at the same time. Or there are Higher Technical Qualifications which are teaching all the new skills that employers are looking for.

The National Careers Service website even includes job profiles to help you discover what different jobs involve. Get the Jump on your choices and you’ll be clued up on everything you need to know to take your next step.