As an employer or business owner there are various ways you can support the College and students...

We can support by helping you train your existing staff and address any skills gaps within your workforce, and recruit apprentices, if you are a large employer – we can help you understand the apprenticeship levy and much more. To help you get started please register your interest by going to contact us and filling out the employer form. We will then get in touch to book a visit to your workplace and carry out a ‘Training Needs Analysis’. Giving us an opportunity to help you and you to ask any questions you have.
It is just as important to train and unlock the potential of our future workforce and your knowledge within your industry is invaluable and can provide vital skills needed for the future generations. It is important to Leicester College to provide the best work placements, work experience and knowledge possible to support our students and we recognise that employers and businesses play a key role providing the skills required, therefore we can’t wait to work with you!
How can working with Leicester College benefit your business?
Taking on a student on a work placement, work experience or even as an apprentice can provide you with some additional support that can enhance your customers experience, provide support for staff development and engagement while inspiring the next generation to choose your industry for their future careers.
You can use our partnership to address skills gaps and bring a new perspective into your business all while building brand loyalty and working together to raise our profiles within the industry.
We can also help you meet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to share with stakeholders and the wider public all while showcasing the diversity within your workforce.
You will be working with a trusted local college that has vast knowledge and experience working with small to large businesses providing access to talented new students that are keen to gain access to up-to-date knowledge and start working in your industry.
Once you have decided you are ready to work with us, please book a Training Needs Analysis using the link below.
An apprenticeship is a job designed to develop work-based skills while gaining qualifications, skills, and knowledge all in the workplace.
Apprentices must spend at least 80% of their time in work, and 20% of their time on off-the-job training, at the College and in the workplace.
As a business and employer you have the option of training your existing staff via an apprenticeship or taking on new staff. As their employer, you’ll have a say in the type of training and qualification your apprentice will receive.
The Apprenticeship Team can offer you a FREE consultation to discuss an apprenticeship levy coordination solution to maximise your return on investment by taking on an apprentice all while ensuring compliance with government funding rules.
You will have a dedicated account manager at the College to guide you through the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) helping you focus on training and developing your apprentice.
We can also help you find new employees to fill the skills gaps in your business. Apprenticeships can be flexible – while they are governed by apprenticeship standards to ensure consistency, in practice a variety of different job roles can be mapped onto an existing apprenticeship standard, meaning that you can hire an apprentice to meet the skills shortage in your business.
We can help your business find the right person to fill your vacancies, we specialise in areas such as security, business administration, teaching assistants, health care assistants, rail engineers, construction site labourers and more…
Working in partnership with Jobcentre Plus we are able to design and deliver a sector-based work academy programme to help with your recruitment requirements as well as promote your vacancies to students, provide a city centre location to conduct interviews*, give you access to internal events and support future recruitment campaigns.
The Sector-based Work Academy Programme (SWAP) can support you to create a skilled workforce for your business. Sector-based work academies help prepare those receiving unemployment benefits to apply for jobs in a different area of work. Placements are designed to help meet your immediate and future recruitment needs as well as to recruit a workforce with the right skills to sustain and grow your business.
*subject to availability
We offer a wide range of training programmes to support you to develop a workforce for the future. The training we provide can be delivered in your workplace, as an online course, or at the College.
Some courses/qualifications are available free of charge, subject to eligibility.
Get in touch with us to find out what is available and arrange a free Training Needs Analysis to help you identify the skills gaps within your business.
You can work with the College to provide Work/Industry Placements from 2 to 45 days+, providing valuable experience for students to develop and apply their technical, vocational and employability skills. Placements could give you the opportunity to identify your future workforce.
The College’s dedicated Work Experience Team will provide you with all the support needed to provide a placement, from recruitment of the right student for your business to evaluating the placement at the end.
You can support students at the College by facilitating ‘Dragons-Den’ style projects and challenges, where teams of students pitch and present their ideas on a wide range of topics to an employer panel.
We welcome suggestions on the content, expectations and time-scales for each project.
These activities provide a great Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunity for your staff whilst generating fresh perspectives.
Your personal journey/experience in your life/chosen career is valuable and can be inspirational for our students. Speaking to our students will help them understand how their hard work and dedication can lead to a career in their chosen industry. It also supports the development of wider/softer skills. It can also help ignite the passion for education and really change our students outlook on their future. You can provide talks/learning experiences to small or large groups.
Mentoring and helping students prepare for job interviews and develop CVs and providing careers talks
These activities provide a great CPD opportunity for your staff whilst generating fresh perspectives.
We also have opportunities within the marketing team to take part in podcasts that can raise the profile of your organisations using Leicester College’s network online.
Employer visits to your place of business can provide students with the opportunity to experience a real work place environment. It allows them to see how your workplace operates and bring their learning to life.
Can your business support the College with sponsorship?
There are opportunities in all areas and all subjects, we can agree a sponsorship and branding package that works for your business and include you in our marketing, PR and promotions internally and externally.
This could help you meet your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
We work with some fantastic businesses such as Savoy, British Gypsum, Lendlease in this way already and are always open to establishing other networks of this kind.
Leicester College host events throughout the year such as Open Days, Adult Open Evening, Get the Job Fair, Community Learning Open Events, Apprenticeship Fairs, Student Enrichment Events and much more.
We can arrange for you to have a stand at any of these events.
Can your business help shape what we teach and the way we teach it? What skills does your sector look for in an employee? Would you like to be more closely engaged with the College and share your industry and business experience? If so, you might want to consider joining one of our Skills Advisory Boards that oversee support for designing our programmes and delivering relevant knowledge and skills.
If you are an employer or a Business who is hosting a student for work experience, work placement or an apprenticeship, it is important to read the following information: