Marketing External Consent Form

We would like to use your story/photography/video/audio footage to support work for Leicester College. This may mean that we send it to media organisations who may use it for publications and digital media. It may also mean that it is used on Leicester College digital and social media channels (eg Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) which could be shared by third parties globally. We may also use it in promotional material for Leicester College (such as guides and posters) or used for illustrative purposes in College documents.

To allow the College to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, please fill in your details below. By clicking submit you are agreeing that the above use of your story/photography/video/audio footage is allowed and will not be a breach of the Data Protection Act or any intellectual property rights (if applicable). We will store your information about you on a secure College database which cannot be accessed by third parties and all personal details will be kept confidential.

While young people aged 13 or over may give their own consent, we still advise parents or carers to provide consent, if your child is visiting the College or participating in an event where the College will be capturing photographs/videos/audio footage, please complete the form using your child’s details to give consent for the pictures to be used for the purposes mentioned above.

If your story/photograph/video/audio footage mentions your employer, please check that your employer also approves of your story/photograph/video/audio footage and its use for these purposes. Please ask an authorised member of staff to fill out the external consent form below.

External Consent Form

Your preferred pronouns
First name *
Your name or the student's name
Surname *
Your surname or the student's surname.
Organisation name *
This can be your business, employer or school name.
Telephone number *
Email address *
Instagram handle
Twitter handle
Please tell us the event or project title
If you are taking part in a particular event or project at the College please add this here.
Please tell us the date of the event (if applicable)
Written consent *
Image consent *