The Benefits of Studying for a Sandwich Degree at University

13 March 2019


The number of University degree courses available can be overwhelming, but one way to choose a degree course it to check whether it has an element of work experience in it. A sandwich degree is an example of such a course; it will offer industry work experience for a set period of time which can take place in the second or third year of study. Sandwich degrees can provide an invaluable insight into the world of work, enhance employability in a competitive job market and increase graduates confidence when applying for jobs. The numerous other benefits associated with studying a sandwich degree are:

  • By working within the industry, students can gain beneficial experience first-hand.

  • Students can pick up transferable skills from the place of work.

  • Networking with people in the industry and building rapport with potential future colleagues.

  • Working in the industry can bring about new opportunities and broaden horizons, many students get offered jobs.

  • Development of new skills and knowledge from an industry perspective.

It goes without saying that sandwich degree courses are some of the most competitive types of degrees available. They will often require formal job applications for the placement and have a formal interview process. Employers will usually seek the candidates who are performing extremely well on their course, so it is important to work hard, achieve the best grades possible and demonstrate a positive attitude. Sandwich degree courses can be found on the UCAS website.

If you would like to discuss sandwich degree courses, you can see a Careers Advisor at the college who can support you in your research and decision-making. Good luck!

By Sonia Riyait
