T levels: training your workforce of the future
T levels are a new, two-year, level 3 qualification for 16-19 year olds. Designed with employers, each T level is equivalent to 3 A levels and will equip young people to be ready for the challenges of their chosen career and industry, by combing classroom study with a meaningful and substantial industry placement.
By creating a 45-day placement, you will not only support your own businesses’ future skills need, but provide an essential opportunity to help a student apply and develop the skills and knowledge that they have learnt in the classroom, helping them to become ‘work-ready’.
There are a few things which you will need to commit to, which include:
Providing at least 45 days’ work placement.
Agreeing a work plan with Leicester College and the student. These will include relevant learning objectives that are linked to the sector and the student’s area of study.
Making sure the working environment is safe and allow the student to develop their practical skills in a safe way.
Having a dedicated member of staff to mentor and supervise the student, and provide feedback on their progress.
Providing feedback at the end of the placement.
Students on industry placements bring with them enthusiasm, good subject knowledge and skills to support your business.
Flexibility: take placement students to fit your business needs. Placements can be one or two days a week through the year; one or two weeks at a time; a month at a time, or longer.
Develop staff management and supervisory skills: supervising or managing placement students can help to develop your employees’ leadership skills, boosting job satisfaction and retention.
Foster future talent: get to know students and identify talented individuals who you may wish to offer employment to in the future.
Extra help at no cost: industrial placement students carry out real work while developing their skills and knowledge.
Boost your company’s reputation: people completing placements with you talk to their friends and family, and mention their experiences on social media.
We are looking for employers to provide industrial placements in the following sectors and roles:
business and administration
catering and hospitality
creative and design
digital and computing
education and childcare
engineering and manufacturing
hair and beauty
health and science
legal, finance and accounting
We will support you at every stage of the process, from making sure that students are ready to go on a placement, to checking in with you to see how students are progressing, and making sure you have everything necessary in place for the student.
The placement is part of a young person’s Study Programme, so there is no requirement to pay them. However, employers can optionally pay students or support with costs such as travel and sustenance.
If there are other costs that you incur for a student on an industry placement, such as providing personal protective equipment, specialist equipment, training or DBS checks we may be able to help with these. Please contact us for more information.
T Levels involve more classroom study than apprenticeships. Apprentices are in paid employment and carry out 20% off the job training. T level students are college based and spend 20% on the job.
It’s simple to become an industrial placement employer. Get in touch with us by completing the form below.
There are a few things which you will need to commit to, which include:
Providing at least 45 days’ work placement.
Agreeing a work plan with Leicester College and the student. These will include relevant learning objectives that are linked to the sector and the student’s area of study.
Making sure the working environment is safe and allow the student to develop their practical skills in a safe way.
Having a dedicated member of staff to mentor and supervise the student, and provide feedback on their progress.
Providing feedback at the end of the placement.