Make the transition to college a little easier

25 August 2020


We know that moving from school to college seems like a daunting time, especially during this turbulent time, so we want to make the transition a little bit less scary. That's why we have put together some tips and information that is designed to put you at ease as you begin studying with us.

Preparing for College

  • Once you get your timetable, prepare a weekly schedule, and share it with people living with you. You may have plenty of things going on in your life, this helps organise the space with family members.

  • Make connections. A big part of college is about the friendships you build with your classmates, lecturers, and staff. Find outlets to connect with new people. Follow the college on social media and engage in relevant discussions and conversations. Check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • Get yourself ready to go to college, eliminate any anxieties you have about your day to day life at college. Why not time your morning routine: see how long it takes to get ready, allow enough time for breakfast, shower and getting dressed.

  • Travel to campus. How do you get to college? How long does it take? Plan your bus journey, allow enough time for traffic, and to have a rest just before your class starts. It helps to do the bus journey a couple of times to see how it goes. Think about the logistics of the journey, do you need to buy individual tickets or a monthly pass? If you are not exempt from wearing a mask, do you have one to wear? If someone is driving you, ensure they have your weekly class schedule and you agree on a time to leave home. If you are walking or cycling: Have you considered the safest route? Do you have an umbrella? Raincoat? Helmet?

Come up with a 'First Day Checklist' and write down what you need on your first day, this can be used for home-learning too.


  • Set an alarm to ensure you wake up on time

  • Stationery

  • Laptop/headphones

  • Water and snacks


  • Set an alarm to ensure you wake up on time

  • Stationery

  • Tissues, hand gel and a face covering

  • Water, lunch, and snacks

  • Badge, lanyard/clip-on. Put your lanyard in your bag to make sure you don't lose it. However, if you lose it, you can buy it again at Student Services for £2.50

Anxiety about COVID-19

  • It is completely normal to feel sad, overwhelmed, anxious and confused

  • Seek information and advice from trusted resources e.g. NHS or Government Website if unsure of anything or if you need some clarification

  • Take a break from social media and the news to give your mind a rest

  • Practice self-care e.g. relaxing, breathing techniques, writing stuff down, talking to someone.

  • Keep in touch with friends and family via facetime, skype, zoom meetings or, if able to, meet where possible following social distancing guidelines.

For more information on what Leicester College has put in place to protect you when you return to college take a look here.

College Support

  • Speak to your Programme Lead (teacher) and they can make reasonable adjustments- e.g. presenting to a smaller group

  • Speak to the Learning Mentor - have regular meetings to find strategies that help you

  • Additional learning support workers can provide in-class support should you feel you need it

  • Counselling and Mental Health Team- You can refer yourself for more mental health support via your Learning Mentor or the additional support team

  • Additional support coordinators- can advocate for you and arrange the support you need

Coping with Anxiety

Look into techniques of dealing with anxiety e.g. breathing techniques, muscle relaxation and guided imagery. Check out the videos below to find out how to practice these exercises.



