Leicester College Blog

Leicester College: Awards to Industry 2018


Leicester College held its annual Awards to Industry Breakfast just over a week ago, an opportunity for us to acknowledge and say ‘thank you’ to the employers and partners we work with each year.

Over the years we have had the honour of working with some fantastic small and large businesses both locally and nationally, they have helped deliver exceptional work experience, apprenticeships, live briefs, industry master classes and donations of time and equipment.

Many of the businesses were nominated by staff, students and apprentices. Collaborations like this help continue to up-skill city and county residents and positively impact upon local communities and the economic landscape. Our partners have provided important employability skills for our students and apprentices that are crucial in today’s job market.

The award goes too…

Company of the Year: The Belmont Hotel

The Belmont Hotel has a long history working positively with the College, from offering work experience to many students, taking on apprentices to develop new talent, being great local ambassadors for apprenticeships and even giving our hospitality students a meal in their restaurant to help them develop their skills further.

Winner of Company of the Year - Belmont Hotel with Tracey Kinsley.

Work Placement Award.

All students who are 16-18 years old on a study programme undergo work experience.

The winner: Lilliput Nursery

Lilliput Nursery

Highly commended:

Leicester Riders

Just Wood Leicestershire

Active Wesley Hall at Wesley Hall Community Centre

Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland

Warning Zone

Centre Project

Whitehall Primary

Humberstone Day Nursery

St George’s Day Nursery

Leicester Royal Infirmary Physio Department

Light Link Fashions

Apprentice Employer Award.

At the moment Leicester College is working with approximately 1200 apprentices at any one time. This year there have been about 500 new starts so far, and we are currently working with approximately 250 different employers.

The winner: NJM Hair

NJM Hair

Highly commended:


DJ’s Groom Room and Sandra May’s Hair Studio

Thurmaston Pharmacy

United Play at the Blue Cabin

Little Monkeys Playgroup

Small Business Award

The Winner: SKM Architects, Design and Interiors

SKM Architects, Design and Interiors

Highly commended:

Just Gents

A S Miles Consulting Ltd

The Wheel Inn, Oadby

Gear Salonwear

Maplewell Hall School

Half Pints Nursery

Little Monkeys Playgroup

Large Employer Award

The winner: University Hospitals Leicester

University Hospitals Leicester

Highly commended:

Ashfield Academy

White Stuff

Partnership Award

The winner: Leicester City Council

Leicester City Council

Highly Commended:

Pattersons Commercial Law

Jan Foster Coaching

TSS (Total Security Services)

The Real Junk Food Project

Kinetal IT Ltd

Finally, we have to send a huge shout-out to our Hospitality and Catering students for a fantastic breakfast at the taste Restaurant.

Are you a business or organisation that is considering offering work experience, hiring an apprentice or simply sharing your expertise with our students. Get in touch with us here.

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