Student Voice Policy

Document No:


Issue No:


Issue Date:


Renewal Date:



Head of Student Services and Engagement


Director of Student Services and Marketing

Student Voice Policy

  1. Introduction

    • 1.1 Leicester College values the student voice in helping to shape the delivery of an inclusive and outstanding college experience, ensuring that all students, regardless of age, level of learning and specific needs, are provided with every opportunity to have their voice heard at the College.

    • 1.2 This is integral to the college’s vision to creating an inclusive and welcoming place to study and developing our students and apprentices’ personal and social skills, building confidence and resilience and enabling them to he responsible, respectful and active citizens.

  2. Objective

    • 2.1 This policy provides a framework for student voice across the college which aims to:

      • Embed an inclusive and reflective structure that involves students at all levels of decision making

      • Develop a timely and actionable feedback approach that reflects the key points within the student journey

      • Equip our students with skills to enable them to voice their opinions on a range of topics

  3. Policy Statement

    • 3.1 The College understands that an effective student voice framework is vital in developing and improving the experience offered to students now and in the future. The College will work in partnership with students to learn from their feedback to ensure a high-quality experience for all.

    • 3.2 The College seeks to build a culture of partnership between staff and students to ensure positive change.

    • 3.3 The College is committed to enabling, supporting and recognising student engagement and to building capacity within the student body for meaningful and impactful conversations.

    • 3.4 These principles will be underpinned by a cycle of dialogue, analysis, response and communication.

  4. Student Voice Framework

    • 4.1 Student Surveys All students will have access to student surveys throughout their time in college and will receive feedback on actions taken. This will include:

      • A full time and part time student survey provided once every academic year for students and apprentices,

      • Student consultations will be completed by managers where group survey outcomes fall below the College average percentage. This will provide managers with a deeper understanding of the areas for development

      • Analysis will be undertaken by diversity indicators to ensure equality of access, both by results and participation.

      • Ad-hoc surveys will be circulated which will cover a range of topics and themes. 4.2 Course Representatives All students will have the opportunity to become a course representative and/or the opportunity to be heard as part of this which will include;

      • An introduction to the course representative process as part of induction

      • Opportunities to become a representative and training from the Student Enrichment Team (SET)

      • Regular course meetings to feedback to the course representative and feedback on action taken from the Student Council and Student Liaison Committee chaired by a member of the Corporation and attended by the Principal

      • A range of meetings

      • A course representative Survey completed with groups, with course representatives as facilitators.

      • Course representative meetings with the relevant Director of Curriculum will be held termly – minutes and actions will be reviewed at each meeting

      • Systems and feedback will be agreed for the final annual meeting.4.3 Student Council

      • Super representatives will be selected from the course representatives to represent their curriculum area within the wider student voice framework

      • The super representatives make up the Student Council

      • The Student Council holds the Student Union to account in the work that they do for students and tasks them with activities to improve the student experience

      • The Student Council can request attendance at their meetings from any staff member within the College to work with them on key matters impacting on the student body. Page 3 of 4 This document will become an uncontrolled copy when printed or downloaded 4.4 Student Liaison Committee

      • The Student Liaison Committee is chaired by a member of the Governing Body and attended by members of the Executive and Senior Leadership Teams.

      • The Student Council and Student Union attend the meetings

      • Cross-cutting themes from course representative meetings and the Student Council are brought to the meeting for discussion and resolution.4.5 Other feedback opportunities

      • Students will take part in Deep Dive reviews and their views will be obtained on a range of subjects.

      • Students can access the Talk Back feedback form to give individual feedback

      • Focus groups and one-to-one opportunities to give views on a range of topics

      • Targeted engagement projects to gain views from specific groups of students

      • Attendance at College Committees to provide the student view. 4.6 The Student Union The National Union of Students will be promoted to all including:

      • Ways to join the union

      • Opportunities to stand for a wide variety of executive positions

      • Being involved in promotion and elections

      • Regular meetings to feedback to student union members

      • Taking part in the Student Liaison Committee

      • Attending Corporation meetings as student union members

  5. Responsibilities

    • 5.1 Students

      • 5.1.1. Students are responsible for providing open and constructive feedback, active participation in feedback opportunities ensuring that their input leads to meaningful improvement for their peers. Students should ensure feedback is respectful and honest.

    • 5.2 Course representatives

      • 5.2.1 Course representatives should provide representative feedback to relevant staff and/or committees and meetings to support the enhancement of the student experience.

      • 5.2.2 They should provide relevant opportunities for their peers to provide feedback and actively participate in student voice activities.

      • 5.2.3 They are responsible for signposting students to the appropriate feedback mechanisms to ensure their voices are heard.

    • 5.3 Directors

      • 5.3.1. Directors will offer regular opportunities to students to provide meaningful feedback and actively promote student engagement within the curriculum area and wider within the College.

      • 5.3.2. Directors will listen and respond to feedback and provide students with updates on what actions they have taken and when they will be implemented and explain why particular suggestions have not been taken forward.

  6. Quality Assurance

    • 6.1 The College will monitor and improve the effectiveness of the Student Voice through a variety of quality assurance processes.

    • 6.2 In relation to quality assuring the Student Voice the College will:

      • Report on the outcome of student surveys

      • Monitor access and equality of opportunity for all students.

  7. Impact

    • 7.1 Students say that their voice is heard and acted upon.

    • 7.2 Increased satisfaction rates in student surveys.

    • 7.3 Increased satisfaction rates in student enrichment.

    • 7.4 Enhanced student experience.

  8. Communication and Review of Policy

    • 8.1 This policy will be published on the College Intranet/College’s website and will be reviewed every three years or more frequently if required.

    • 8.2 This policy will be reviewed by the College’s Executive Leadership Team.