Student Reports and Contact with Parents and Carers Policy

Student Reports and Contact with Parents and Carers Policy

Policies and ProceduresCorporate Information

Document No:


Issue No:


Issue Date:


Renewal Date:



Vice Principal, Study Programmes and Apprenticeships


Vice Principal, Study Programmes and Apprenticeships

Parents and Carers Engagement Policy

  1. Purpose and Principles

    • 1.1 Leicester College understands that parents and carers are valuable partners to support the positive experience and successful progression of the young people in their care. It is important that their role is acknowledged, encouraged, and celebrated to ensure that aspirations are recognised. Their support is vital and the College recognises their engagement as a significant stakeholder.

    • 1.2 A ‘whole College’ approach towards the engagement of parents and carers as valuable partners and stakeholders also supports the College wider values around respect, inclusion, equality, and excellence, builds important links, and can be integral to student/apprentice wellbeing, attendance and outcomes, positive behaviours and how young people think about their futures.

    • 1.3 The College is committed to providing opportunities for parents and carers to engage at every stage of a young person’s educational journey, through meaningful and practical communication. The overarching principle should be one of providing opportunities for parents and carers to have contact with the College, as part of a two way relationship, so that progress on either side may be articulated and shared.

    • 1.4 This policy applies to all College activity including ESF contracts.

    • 1.5 The College definition of parents and carers includes young carer guardians and those with those with legal responsibility for a young person (daily carer, key workers, social services, care leaver responsibilities).

    • 1.6 The College will commit to communicating with parents and carers in a variety of languages, utilise a ‘plain English’ approach to written messages and recognise the need of reasonable adjustments, such as the use of translators, where necessary.

    • 1.7 In line with the College’s Data Protection Policy, data protection and other legislation, the College acknowledges that there is no automatic right for parents/carers to have access to data about their children. However, the College will share learning, attendance, progress and behaviour/disciplinary and other information with parents/carers. Learning, attendance, progress and behaviour/disciplinary and other information will be shared with parents/carers of students aged 18+ until the end of their programme if:

      • they started the programme before the age of 18

      • the student consents to this.

    • 1.8 Where a student aged under 18 does not wish their parents/carers to see information about them, their wishes will be respected.

    • 1.9 Learning, attendance, progress and other information will not be shared with parents/carers of students aged 18+ who started their programme after the age of 18 without the explicit consent of the student. This must be received in writing.

  2. Procedures

    • 2.1 The College will commit to providing a consistent entitlement to information and regular feedback on the progress and success of a young person, particularly around attendance, progress, successes, and skill building (familiarising the parent or carer with the skills and knowledge being taught).

    • 2.2 The College will provide opportunities for parents and carers to strengthen their own abilities to support the progress and success of their young person (providing information on resilience, how to cope with exams, parental study guides, use of technology, and mental health support for young people, for example).

    • 2.3 The College will see every opportunity for engagement with parents and carers in a positive light and enable the development of a trusted point of contact.

    • 2.4 Regular information, advice and guidance opportunities will be provided, using a career led model, to inform parents and carers of pathways towards intended destinations, before college applications are made, and throughout the journey of the young person, including information about the qualifications, skills and knowledge needed for progression.

    • 2.5 Active involvement will be made at key decision points, such as recruitment, enrolment, and progression, and the promotion of involvement in all aspects of College life.

    • 2.6 For students aged 16-19 and their parents/carers, progress reports will be made available on ProPortal (the student and parent access portal for ProMonitor). Parental access will be provided to the next of kin identified at the time of enrolment. This can be amended by Student Services throughout the academic year, if required.

  3. Links to other Policies

    • 3.1 This policy links to the following policies and procedures concerning contacts with parents/carers and employers regarding the progress of students:

      • Attendance and Punctuality Policy

      • Student Behaviour and Conduct Policy

      • Fitness to Study Policy

      • Data Protection Policy.

  4. Communication and Review

    • 4.1 This Policy will be published on the College website and staff intranet and will be reviewed at least every three years.