Nursery Funded Education Admissions Policy
- Nursery Funded Education Admissions Policy
Document no: | NU011 |
Issue no: | 1 |
Issue date: | 2022-01-01 |
Renewal date: | 2025-01-01 |
Originator: | Nursery Manager |
Responsibility: | Director of Student Services and Marketing |
Admissions Policy for Government Funded Places- College Nurseries (Free Early Year Education Entitlement)
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Information and records. Providers must maintain records and obtain and share information to ensure the safe and efficient management of the setting, and to help ensure the needs of all children are met |
This policy works in conjunction with the nursery Waiting List and Admissions Policy.
Allocation of Places
1.1 We offer places according to availability of sessions, age of child and sessions required:
1.1.1 The waiting list is arranged in order of the date of application.
1.1.2 We endeavour to offer places to siblings of those children already attending our setting.
1.2 Allocation of places at Leicester College Day Nurseries is on a first come first served basis with the following priorities:
1.2.1 Students requiring nursery places, prioritising those in receipt of ‘Care To Learn’ Funding
1.2.2 Staff requiring places
1.2.3 Siblings of children already in the nursery
1.2.4 Careful consideration is given to children in receipt of the 2 year Free Early years Education Entitlement (FEEE)1.
1.3. This is subject to availability of sessions required
1.4 Leicester College Day Nursery welcomes children in receipt of Two Year Funding, the Universal funding for three and four year olds and the extended entitlement (30 hours) for three and four year olds. Full details of these schemes and eligibility is available on request or online at:
Funded places are offered in accordance with the Early Years Entitlements: Operational Guidance for local authorities and providers (DfE 2018) and any local conditions in place at the time
1.5 A child will be entitled to the additional funded hours from the term after both of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the child has reached the age of three; (2) the child's parent has a current valid eligibility code from HMRC. Example: If a parent applies for and receives confirmation of eligibility from HMRC after 1 April, 1 September, 1 December the child will be entitled to start their additional 15 hours from the beginning of the following term. This will not affect their access to the universal 15 hours entitlement.
1.6 You must go online to reconfirm details at the end of each funding period (you will receive an email from HMRC prompting you to do this). If you are no longer eligible for the extended funding you will fall into a 'Grace Period'. This is a short period of time to give you the opportunity to find work or reconfirm eligibility. We will inform you of the end of your grace period date. This is when the funding for the extended hours will end. You will continue to be entitled for your 15 hours universal funding. We will make arrangements with you regarding ending, or you making alternative payments for your extended 15 hours.
1.7 Contact HMRC regarding any queries or appeals on 0300 123 4097 as Leicester College Day Nursery and the local authority are unable to answer any queries relating to the online application system.
Parent Declaration for Early Education Funded Places
2.1 You must complete a Parent Declaration Form every term to enable us to claim all early education funding your child is entitled to. You must complete this information and return to the nursery to secure your child's funded place for the following term. Information you provide on this form will enable us to access any additional funding that your child may be eligible for, such as Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF). For further information go to
Registering your Place at Leicester College Day Nursery
3.1 To apply for a place at our nursery you must complete and return your application form to us. You must provide original copies of documentation to confirm that your child has reached the eligible age for all early education funded places. For example, birth certificate or passport. You must provide original copies of documentation to confirm that your child is eligible for two year old funding (voucher) or three & four year old extended funding (eligibility code). We will retain paper or digital copies of documentation to enable the local authority to carry out audits and fraud investigations. You must indicate on your application form the pattern of attendance you would prefer.
Employees of Leicester College
4.1 Leicester College Staff who use the nursery and are in receipt of FEEE, (15 funded hours per week,) can access these funded hours as three 5 hour sessions. Any sessions booked on top of these will be charged at the staff rate.
5.1 Students who use the nursery and are in receipt of FEEE, (15 funded hours per week,) can access these funded hours as three 5 hour sessions. Any sessions booked on top of these will be charged at the student rate.
5.2 Students may be eligible for the College Learning Support Fund, in which case the nursery will claim the free 15 hour entitlement and any remaining hours that the student is in attendance at Leicester College, will be financed by the Learning Support Fund (LSF).Students will have to ensure they have made a successful application to the college LSF at Student Services.
5.3 No additional charges will be made for the 15 hour funded places but attendance will be limited to specific hours.
5.4 Only after allocating places in the nursery using the waiting list criteria, if there are any available sessions left, a child in receipt of the FEEE may be able to spread the 15 hours over more than three sessions.
External Users (FEEE Only)
6.1 Leicester College Day Nursery will offer children whose parents are external to the College, and in receipt of FEEE, 15 funded hours per week, subject to availability of sessions.
6.2 This will be offered as the following sessions:
38 weeks (Term Time only) 15 hrs per week
2 x 7.5 hour days
8.30a.m. to 4p.m.
3 x 5 hours
8.00 a.m. to 1p.m
5 x 3 hours
1p.m. to 4p.m.
6.3 The child will be booked into the full session; it is up to the parent whether or not the child is able to stay for the duration of the session.
6.4 Only after allocating places in the nursery using the criteria listed above, if there are any available sessions left in the nursery, a child in receipt of FEEE may be able to use some of their 15 hours for part of another session.
6.5 All external users in receipt of FEEE will be asked to contribute £2 for a lunch if their child stays over the lunchtime period or provide a packed lunch.
30 Hours Funded Education for Working Parents
7.1 The maximum entitlement of either 570 hours or 1,140 hours per year will be offered as one of the following:
38 weeks (Term Time only) 30 hrs per week
47.5 weeks – (5 weeks holiday per year) 24 hrs per week
a) 4 x 7.5hr sessions (4 full days.)
a) 3 x8 hrs sessions.
b) 2 full days (9.25 hrs) plus one morning
b) 6 x 5 hr sessions (5 mornings plus 1 afternoon)
c) 4 x5 hr sessions (mornings) plus one 4 hr session (afternoon)
7.2 A full day in the nursery is 9.25 hrs i.e. 8am until 5.15p.m.
7.3 Children who are booked in for any extra hours above those funded by FEEE, will be charged at £7.00 per hr.
7.4 All users in receipt of FEEE will be asked to pay £2 per day if their child stays over the lunchtime period or provide a packed lunch. All users will be required to set up a direct debit with the Leicester College Finance department to pay for all charges.
7.5 A monthly payment will be calculated and set up in time for the beginning of the new term. Please ensure you collect the paperwork from the nursery in order to start the process.
7.6 All of the above sessions will be offered during the nursery open hours:
Monday to Thursday- 8.00am to 5.15pm.
Friday- 8.00am to 5.00p.m.
Closed on Bank Holidays – for Christmas closure please see College calendar.
Communication and Review
8.1 This policy will be shared with parents and reviewed every three years.