Continuing Professional Development Nursery Policy

Continuing Professional Development Nursery Policy

Nursery policies and proceduresCorporate Information

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Nursery Manager


Director of Student Services and Marketing

Staff Development and Training Policy - College Nurseries

Leicester College Day Nursery

EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Staff Qualifications, training, support and skills

Providers must ensure that people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles

  1. Policy statement

    “Providers must put appropriate arrangements in place for the supervision of staff who have contact with children and families. Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children. Supervision should foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues. “

    Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation stage – Section 3/3.22

    • 1.1 The promotion of equal opportunities is fundamental to Staff Development. The in-service education and training activities will comply with Leicester College’s Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Codes of Practice.

    • 1.2 The Policy should also be read in conjunction with Leicester College Staff Development Policy and Procedures.

  2. The aims and objectives of staff development

    • 2.1 To promote the interests of the children and maximise their development, learning and achievement.

    • 2.2 To secure the objectives of the nursery as set out in the Development Plan.

    • 2.3 To support the career development of all staff in the nursery. Staff Development objectives will be linked to EYFS standards.

    • 2.4 Within these overall aims, Staff Development also exists: to encourage the development and use of appropriate teaching/learning methods and techniques in response to on-going change;

      • to enable staff to broaden their knowledge and skills in caring for children.

      • to enable staff to understand their roles and responsibilities.

      • to involve staff in effective planning and curriculum development;

      • to develop co-operative methods of working and to improve communications;

      • to encourage greater participation in the decision-making processes in the nursery;

      • to maintain, within the resources available and in conjunction with Leicester College strategic objectives, the entitlement of all staff to continuing professional development;

      • to support the effective performance of existing duties;

      • to prepare staff for advancement in this nursery or elsewhere;

      • to enhance job satisfaction.

  3. Procedures

    • 3.1 We regularly review the quality and effectiveness of the provision through the self-assessment process. Such reviews, which focus on the quality and effectiveness of the children’s learning and development, their levels of achievement and the extent to which the quality standards set out by the EYFS are being met, are matched against the Nursery’s overall objectives (Curriculum Statement) and those set out in the Development Plan. The various Staff Development needs identified are considered and priorities agreed at appraisals, supervision and team meetings.

    • 3.2 To facilitate the development of staff, Nursery Managers and Leicester College Staff Development Team:

      • Coach, lead and role model with staff, and offer encouragement and support to achieve a high level of morale and motivation

      • Promote teamwork through on-going communication, involvement and a no blame culture to enhance nursery practice

      • Provide opportunities for delegation based on skills and expertise to offer recognition and stimulate staff

      • Encourage staff to contribute ideas for change within the nursery and hold regular staff meetings and team meetings to develop these ideas. Regular meetings are also held to discuss strategy, policy and curriculum planning.

      • Encourage staff to further their experience and knowledge by attending relevant internal and external training courses

      • Encourage staff to pass on their knowledge to those who are less experienced and disseminate knowledge from external training to small groups of staff within the nursery

      • Carry out ongoing one to ones with all staff. Staff appraisals are carried out every year where objectives and action plans for staff are set out, whilst also sourcing training according to their individual needs

      • Support employees to identify and own their CPD and to ensure targeted development of knowledge, skills and performance.

      • Provide regular feedback on achievement of personal goals and objectives, including any career aspirations.

      • Regularly discuss development opportunities with their staff and make decisions about which activities will be agreed using a consistent and fair approach.

      • Use a range of appropriate developmental mechanisms including learning walks, sampling activity, work scrutiny feedback and discussion to identify and support personal and professional development needs.

      • Ensure that staff complete their mandatory training on time.

      • Promote a positive learning culture within the nursery

      • Cascade information and hold internal training events

      • Provide inductions to welcome all new staff and assign a mentor to coach and support new staff

      • Offer on-going support and guidance

      • Offer to staff varied information sources including access to relevant online information, national publications and literature.

  4. Communication and review

    • 4.1 This policy will be shared with parents and reviewed every three years.