Accidents and Emergency Treatment

Document no:


Issue no:


Issue date:


Renewal date:



Nursery Manager


Director of Student Services and Marketing

Accidents and Emergencies Policy - College Nurseries

Leicester College Day Nursery

EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements

Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment

  1. Accidents and emergency treatment

    • 1.1 The nursery provides care for children and promotes health by ensuring emergency and first aid treatment is given as required. There are also procedures for managing food allergies in section Food safety and nutrition.

    • 1.2 Parents consent to emergency medical treatment consent on registration.

    • 1.3 At least one person who has a current paediatric first aid (PFS) certificate is on the premises and available at all times when children are present. First Aid certificates are renewed at least every three years.

    • 1.4 All members of staff know the location of First Aid boxes, the contents of which are in line with St John’s Ambulance recommendations as follows:

      • 20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes)

      • 2 sterile eye pads

      • 4 individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably sterile)

      • 6 safety pins

      • 2 large, individually wrapped, sterile, un-medicated wound dressings

      • 6 medium, individually wrapped, sterile, un-medicated wound dressings

      • a pair of disposable gloves

      • adhesive tape

      • a plastic face shield (optional).

    • 1.5 No other item is stored in a First Aid box.

    • 1.6 Vinyl single use gloves are also kept near to (not in) the box, as well as a thermometer.

    • 1.7 There is a named person in the setting who is responsible for checking and replenishing the First Aid Box contents.

    • 1.8 A supply of ice is kept in the main kitchen fridge. Leicester College Day Nursery EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment

    • 1.9 For minor injuries and accidents, First Aid treatment is given by a qualified first aider; the event is recorded on the nursery’s Accident Record form. Parents are given a copy of the accident form and asked to sign both theirs and the copy kept on file at the nursery.

    • 1.10 In the event of minor injuries or accidents, parents are normally informed when they collect their child, unless the child is unduly upset or members of staff have any concerns about the injury. In which case they will contact the parent for clarification of what they would like to do, i.e. collect the child or take them home and seek further advice from NHS 111.

  2. Serious accidents or injuries

    • 2.1 An ambulance is called for children requiring emergency treatment.

    • 2.2 First aid is given until the ambulance arrives on scene. The College H&S officer is notified as soon as possible.

    • 2.3 The child’s record of information is taken to the hospital with the child.

    • 2.4 Parents or carers are contacted and informed of what has happened and where their child is being taken to.

    • 2.5 The nursery manager or senior staff member arranges for transport to take the child and carer to hospital for further checks, if deemed to be necessary.

  3. Recording and reporting

    • 3.1 In the event of a serious accident, injury, or serious illness, the designated person notifies the College H&S officer and records the accident using the nursery accident form as soon as possible. Serious accidents are also recorded on the College’s accident reporting system.

    • 3.2 If required, a RIDDOR form is completed; one copy is sent to the parent, one for the child’s file and one for the local authority Health and Safety Officer.

    • 3.3 The College H&S Officer is notified by the nursery manager of any serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of, or the death of, any child whilst in their care in order to be able to notify Ofsted and any advice given will be acted upon. Notification to Ofsted is made as soon as is reasonably practicable and always within 14 days of the incident occurring. The designated person will, after consultation with the designated person, inform local child protection agencies of these events

  4. Communication and review

    • 4.1 This Policy will be shared with parents and reviewed every three years.