Widening Access and Participation Statement

Widening Access and Participation Statement

Corporate Information

Leicester College currently sets the tuition fees for its higher education programmes within the Office for Students approved (fee cap) basic amount. In view of this, the College has published an ‘Access and Participation Statement’ setting out its commitment to widening participation and fair access. This document can be found in the Corporate Information section of the College website.

Leicester is one of the most diverse cities in the country with a local population that has a non-white majority. The city also has significant areas of deprivation and many of our students are affected by multiple disadvantages. We want what we do, what we teach and how we behave to make everyone feel included and able to contribute to the College community. Our aim is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment, free from any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment, where our whole College community are respected, appreciated and valued.

We are opposed to, and will tackle, any harassment and all other discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, particularly in relation to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act.

Our Mission is:

Developing skills, supporting businesses, engaging communities, changing lives.

Our core Values are:

  • Respect

  • Inclusion

  • Sustainability

  • Equality

  • Excellence

In support of its Mission and Values, the College is committed to widening and increasing participation in Higher Education (HE). The College is registered with the Office for Students (OfS) and meets their ongoing Conditions of Registration.

The College has a strong commitment to widening access as indicated by the profile of its students, the courses offered and the range of strategies, policies and regulations in place including:

  • Equality and Diversity Policy

  • Admissions Policy (Admission Appeals Procedure)

  • Assessment Policy

  • Freedom of Speech Policy

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report

  • Higher Education Academic Regulations

  • Fitness to Study Policy

The College believes that the diversity of our students and staff bring a range of perspectives that enrich the learning environment and produce graduates better able to contribute to a global society. We are insistent in our determination to make Leicester College an anti-racist organisation and will enhance student and staff cultural awareness, understanding and confidence. Our students and apprentices need to be confident advocates for equality and diversity. We expect commitment and involvement from all our staff, students, partners and providers of goods and services in working to our Values and Mission. In practice this means we:

Treat everyone with respect.

  • Where practical, produce publicity material that promotes the diversity of all communities, and is free from bias.

  • Enrol and retain students from all backgrounds including those currently underrepresented and work to ensure that there is no discrimination of any kind in relation to student recruitment and admission.

  • Design courses to be sufficiently flexible, and broad, to take account of the differing needs of all learners, with the objective of providing access to higher education for non-traditional learners.

  • Promote positive relationships, respect and inclusion by introducing students at the start of their courses to the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy.

  • Take account of students’ varied backgrounds, abilities and learning styles when planning teaching and resources.

  • Offer learning support in literacy, numeracy and digital skills for those who are identified as requiring it, and support students whose first language is not English.

  • Facilitate appropriate additional support for disabled students.

  • Use targeted OfS public funding to implement College-wide initiatives that support student access and success.

  • Take action to improve representation and engagement of under-represented groups in our staff.

  • Hold ourselves to account for our actions and address any issues of racism, inequity or discrimination head on.