Applying for a job with Leicester College
- Applying for a job with Leicester College
We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion at Leicester College and are working towards ensuring our staff profile reflects the vibrant diversity of Leicester. We therefore welcome applications from everyone particularly those who reflect the City’s diversity and who are currently under-represented in our workforce. Disabled applicants who meet the essential shortlisting criteria will be guaranteed an interview.
To safeguard our students all staff offered a job will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS).
We are a UKVI Sponsor. If you need sponsorship to apply for a visa to work in the UK we are an approved employer. Some are not eligible for sponsorship. For further information and eligibility please visit the UKVI website.
Look at our vacancies and apply on-line by clicking on the job you are interested in.
When applying make sure you address the points on the person specification – this is what we use to shortlist so make sure you give us enough information on each of the points marked as assessed at the application stage.
Once you have applied our managers will look at your application form together with anyone else who has applied, it will be anonymised so they will not know any of your personal characteristics such as age, ethnic origin or gender. They will be looking to see whether you have met the criteria based on the information you have given us.
Once all applications have been assessed the candidates who best meet the criteria will be shortlisted and you will be informed by email. You will be invited to choose a time slot for your interview from those available.
If you have not been shortlisted, you will receive an email from us to let you know.
The type of interview and assessment you will have depends on the job you have applied for. You may be asked to complete a set of tasks which demonstrate your ability to do the job, for lecturing roles you will need to deliver a micro-teach.
You will have an interview with two or more panel members and will be asked a series of questions based on the person specification for the job. All candidates will be asked the same questions and at the end of the interview the panel may wish to ask you something specific about an aspect of your application form. You will then have the opportunity to ask the panel questions about the role or the College.
The panel will appoint the person who best meets the criteria on the person specification based on the performance of all the candidates on the day.
We try to let you know within five working days whether you have been successful. If you are not successful you can ask for feedback and apply again another time.
You will receive an email with a link to our onboarding portal asking you to provide us with various documents.
Your start date will be agreed with you once we have:
satisfactory references (including one from your current employer or latest if you are not working)
copies of your qualification certificates
sight of your passport
satisfactory medical clearance
satisfactory clearance from the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service).
Our HR team are here to support you through the process and when you have a start date will send you your contract and other information to ensure you have a smooth start with the College.
Once you start you will attend an induction where you will meet the principal and other College staff.
Good luck with your application!