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The Cupboard

The Cupboard Leicester presents The Cupboard by Mary Mills

Leicester is staging the world premiere of The Cupboard a new comedy drama by Mary Mills. It’s funny, but it’s dark! The play has plenty to say about a woman’s place in society, in the home and even in the cupboard. There is a chicken in it too. Who put Peggy in? Will she ever get out? Does she even want to?

The Cupboard is the place to look if you have lost something, or someone. It also celebrates how a crisis can pull different people in a community together to meet and get to know each other – including when crawling under a bush after that runaway hen…

Mary Mills is an exciting and talented new writer from Leicester. She has always worked in the charity sector and shares her sharp and shrewd view of life with warm compassion and humour. It may contain strong language, but don’t be left out of The Cupboard!

Further Information

Performance times – Fri 06 Oct at 7.30pm, Sat 07 Oct at 2.30pm & 7.30pm
Please note this play contains strong language.