Childcare Plan Form

College ID Number *
Student fullname *
Student date of birth *
Contact number *
Email *
How many children? *
First child's name *
First child's date of birth *
First child's full address *
First child's provider contact email *
First child's provider contact number *

Terms and Conditions. Please read - I understand that childcare funding is only agreed when I have received written confirmation from the college - If you have a partner at home who can undertake childcare during your scheduled classes at Leicester College, then you will not be eligible for childcare funding. - Leicester College expect parents who chose to study; to select different timetabled courses. If you chose to study the same course at the same time, then you will not be eligible for childcare support - I agree that any Free Early Education Entitlement funding will be deducted from my allocation and not used in another setting. Any additional costs for lunches or extra activities must be paid by me as the parent/carer - Any change to timetable must be notified to a Welfare Adviser immediately - Any change of nursery/childminder needs to be discussed and agreed in advance with a Leicester College Welfare Adviser - I agree that I need to have any additional childcare agreed by a Leicester College Welfare Adviser (this includes childcare costs during placement). If you are commencing a placement then confirmation needs to be provided from your tutor regarding the start date of placement. - I agree to notify Leicester College if my child/ren stop attending the nursery / childminder or if I withdraw from my course. (Note: You may incur costs if you fail to do so.)

Terms and conditions *
Date signed *
Student Signature *