Insight into Care: Support for Carers in Leicestershire
15 November 2021

Carers play a vital role in the lives of their loved ones but this often comes at the cost of compromises elsewhere.
Did you know that there are organisations out there who can support and empower you in these circumstances?
If you are a carer aged 18 or above in Leicestershire Support for Carers are there for you. They:
Offer a Support Helpline Monday-Friday 9-5pm where you can speak to friendly, experienced staff.
Provide a Telephone Befriending Service giving you the opportunity to talk if you need to. This can be provided on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
Hold day time and evening support groups, giving you the opportunity to meet and converse with other carers.
Help you access the Carer’s Assessment and other financial support.
Signpost to the most appropriate service that will give you the support you need.
Offer the Carer's Passport
The new Carer Passport helps in many ways:
Carers Identification Card.
Raises awareness of caring.
Designed to be a conversation starter.
Eases carer recognition in a variety of situations.
Enables you to access support or services in your caring role.
Helps verify you as an unpaid carer when registering with your Medical practice.
Carers Passport are recognised across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland, in several public places.
For more information, contact Support for Carers on 018 5846 8543.