
Prevention Control of Infection in Health and Care Settings Award level 2 – C4669

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Course Overview

This is a supported online learning course which is available 50 weeks of the year (including non-term times). You can study either one whole day or split over a few days. Days and times to suit your personal commitments, and the learning is taken at your own pace and complete the assessment once you feel you are ready.

The aim of this course is to provide successful individuals with a nationally recognised qualification in the prevention and control of infection in health and care settings.

Particularly beneficial for anyone who is seeking employment and/or who wants to update their knowledge to be compliant in the workplace.

What You'll Learn

Year 1

During this online course, you will learn about the following topics:
1) Common infections and the chain of infection.
2) The importance of correct hand washing procedures for infection prevention and control.
3) Principles of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in infection prevention and control.
4) The decontamination process.
5) Waste management procedures and the associated risks.
6) The roles and responsibilities in preventing infection.

Entry Requirements

This is a level 2 course and there are no formal entry requirements, however, a good level of literacy and keyboard skills are expected, although support is available.

If you have any concerns regarding your literacy level or IT skills, please contact us.

How you will be assessed

Students will complete short mock tests following completion of the learning for each unit and when you are confident and following a discussion with your tutor, will complete a multiple-choice online exam.

Course Fees

Tuition fees

Tuition Fees (19+): £65.00

Additional Costs

Fee concessions:

You will not be required to pay a fee for this course if you are in the following categories:
In receipt of one of the following benefits: Universal Credit, JSA or ESA (Employment and Support Allowance Work-Related Action Group) or low waged.

Evidence of benefits will be required on the application.


If the course is longer than one year the total fees are for the first year only and further fees may apply in future years. All fees are based on a ‘home’ learner status. Please contact us for information on overseas fees.

For more information, please see our course fee disclaimers page.

Learn more about fees

Course and Career progression

On completion of this award, the tutor will be able to provide advice and guidance on other online courses, distance learning courses or classroom-based programmes.

This qualification will support individuals to gain employment by improving their confidence by gaining new skills and qualifications.

For more detailed advice and guidance about future steps, you can make an appointment with one of our qualified careers advisers who can support you to find the most suitable career path for you and to make the most of your skills and qualifications.

What Happens Next

Apply online via the College website. You will be contacted to attend an interview if required, or you will be sent a conditional offer according to the entry requirements of the course. You will then be invited in to enrol for your chosen course.

For applications via JCP, please let your Work Coach know. Subject to individual eligibility and type of benefit, the vast majority of courses are FREE to people in receipt of an employment-related benefit JSA, Universal Credit or ESA (Employment and Support Allowance).

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