First name *
Last name *
Contact number *
First line of address
Email *
First name of child 1
Last name of child 1
Date of birth of child 1
First name of child 2
Last name of child 2
Date of birth of child 2
First name of child 3
Last name of child 3
Date of birth of child 3
Please tell us which nursery you would like to use
Please tell us which days and times you'd like to use the nursery
Do you need childcare all year round or only during term time?
Are you aged 19 or under?
Please tell us about the course you are/will be studying. Or if you're a member of staff tell us your job title and the department you work in.

The manager from the nursery you select will get in touch for the next stage of your enquiry and give you details in how to enrol your child.