Taking inspiration from grandparent’s photography
Nico Mollett can trace her passion for art back to her grandparents in Russia, where they were both photographers and her grandad was a war photographer, specialising in analogue photography. They owned a studio in Novosibirsk, Russia and left “a heap of cameras” to Nico.
Nico says: “My Russian background is the main pillar that influences my art. Russian culture is the cornerstone of my art and photography, shaping both my aesthetic choices and conceptual approach.
Taking inspiration from her grandad’s work, Nico gained a Grade 9 GCSE in Art and also took Photography as an A level. She then moved on to study the Art and Design Level 3 BTEC course at Leicester College.
Enjoying the social aspect
Nico adds: “I’ve always enjoyed the social aspect of art. I regularly visit the Attenborough Arts Centre in Leicester and take inspiration from others. I also volunteer at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery in my spare time and love to see how people respond to the art exhibits there.
“Art and Design at Leicester College is a really good course, with a good pace and the course leaders are amazing. I really enjoy the life drawing and we get to experience many different types of art.”
Showcasing her art
Nico has recently had her work showcased in the Open: The People’s Exhibition at Leicester Museum and Art Gallery. “I saw the exhibition advertised at the College,” continues Nico. “The photograph that I submitted for the exhibition featured my sister. It was my strongest image; I liked the lighting and got the chance to experiment with camera positions. It was fun to work with my sister, as well!”
After completing her course at Leicester College, Nico aims to move on to the Art and Design foundation course at De Montfort University, with a view to keeping her options open in the future to include possible opportunities in apprenticeships, selling her own art and others.