Gulmeena Syed

"When I realised a T level was equivalent to three A levels and that you also do an industry work placement along with your learning, it interested me very much. I wanted to do something different for a change, and this course was it."

gulmeena syed headshot
gulmeena syed headshot

In September 2021, Leicester College introduced new T Level courses which cover four curriculum areas: Education and Childcare, Construction, Digital and Healthcare Science. 

These courses have been designed by employers with The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. They consist of two-year qualifications which combine classroom study and industrial placements, providing students with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge which will enable them to go straight into the workplace, onto an apprenticeship or further study. 

Gulmeena Syed is part of the pioneer cohort on the Building Services Engineering course with the Heating Engineering and Plumbing specialism.  

We caught up with her to learn more about her reasons for pursuing this course, her experience thus far, her plans for the future and her thoughts and suggestions for other students who are considering taking up T Level courses. 

Which course are you studying? 

I am doing the construction T Level in Building Services Engineering - Heating Engineering and Plumbing specialism. 

Why did you choose this particular T Level course? 

I wanted to do something different for a change, and this course was it. 

What attracted you to T Levels? 

When I realised a T Level was equivalent to three A Levels and that you also do an industry work placement along with your learning, it interested me very much. 

How are you finding the course? Any particular highlights so far or anything that you're looking forward to? 

I have enjoyed the course so far, especially the practical side. Even though we had to do presentations in front of the class, I’m grateful that it’s helping me to be a little more confident. I think what makes the course so much more fun is both the lecturers, Anil and James, have their own individual personalities to add to the lessons. 

Would you recommend the course and/or Leicester College to other students? 

Yes, I would recommend Leicester College to other students because they are supportive and this course too, as it’s something new and different. 

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