The only course to consider
Growing up, Emerson Marsh was “surrounded by fashion, with a mum who was in footwear and a grandma who made her own clothes”. He “aspired to be like them” and started looking around for a suitable fashion course.
The BTEC National Diploma in Fashion and Footwear at Leicester College was “the best course that I found”, according to Emerson. “It felt right on the open day – the lecturers were kind and welcoming, so I knew that didn’t even want to apply for any other courses.”
Course provides a platform for growth
One of Emerson’s major highlights of the course so far was winning the George at Asda project and having an experience day at George.
“I’m doing what I love, making clothes in a good environment,” continues Emerson. “I’ve learnt about applying for jobs, garment construction and laying out my processes, from ideas to products, so that people can understand my vision.
“The course has helped people to get a lot better. We’re all better at what we’ve done and should all be proud. The course is set up so we can all excel with time and effort.”
Finding his role as a designer
In the future, Emerson believes that “university might be an option” but at this stage, is still finding out “who I am as a designer”.
“My long-term dream is to have my own label and be a designer. I’m looking at realising and developing my role within the industry.”