Leicester College is hosting an evening of essential training tasters to benefit  local businesses in Leicestershire.

BusinessThe workshops are aimed to provide valuable industry updates and give employers a taste of the College’s range of business ESF funded training.

The free training workshops take place on Thursday 10 July 2014 from 6pm onwards at Leicester College’s St Margaret’s Campus, and covers Leadership and Management, Business Improvement Techniques and Warehousing and Storage.

The courses are funded by The European Social Fund(ESF) which was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and to help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.

The workshops are designed and delivered by experts in their field; each taster will also provide attendees the opportunity for a question and answer session with industry experts.

Chris Spooner is our one of training experts delivering a workshop on the day.

He said: “I can offer employers an insight into business improvement techniques and explain how it can relate to the working environment. I can also assist companies and organisations translate this to the manufacturing processes and also to the office environment.

“The event is about how to apply the best business practices around today and translate these to individual companies. This event is aimed at helping businesses boost their production and workforce skills in the present economic climate.”

The programme for the workshops is as follows:

6pm to Registration and welcome

ESF Leadership and Management

6.15pm Understanding your team, growing as an effective leader and developing your business. This workshop focuses on the core role and skills development as part of the ILM Leadership and Team Skills Awards training. This workshop also provides an introduction to the free ESF Institute of Leadership and Management training available at Leicester College. This will be followed by a question and answer session. 7.15pm Ends (refreshments available)

Breakout Sessions

Session 1: Business Improvement Techniques

7.30pm  A hands-on session which explores the process of understanding business improvement techniques and theory. The workshop will explore different communications mediums such as written and verbal, and how these impact business processes and tasks. This will be followed by a question and answer session.

8.30pm Ends (refreshments available)

Session 2: Warehouse and Storage

7.30pm  Our warehousing and storage session will cover essential health and safety advice, including reviewing and identifying the right equipment for the job. This session is ideal for any individual

who works with the receipt, storage and processing of goods, and is interested in training to progress their career. This will be followed by question and answer session.

8.30pm Ends (refreshments available)