Mohamed takes his studies in Computing up a level with an HND course
12 April 2022

Mohamed came to the UK from Sri Lanka when he was 16. Now, at 25 he is enrolled at Leicester College and completing an HND in Computing.

Mohamed began the HND in Computing in 2020 and is now in the second year of the two-year course. He began his studies at the College by doing an entry level certificate in computing course and progressing to a Level 3 BTEC in computing, before taking a gap year to gain some work experience by working as a customer assistant at Sainsburys.
Mohamed decided to complete the HND because he wants to build a career in computing and programming. He says that he has gained much knowledge during the course and is very happy with it.
Following the HND, Mohamed would like to progress further in education by continuing with the third year of the HND, and then find a job in the industry.
Mohamed says that he would definitely recommend Leicester College as the ‘learning environment is very good’.