Search and Governance Committee - Governance Terms of Reference
Search and Governance Committee - Governance Terms of Reference
Governance Terms of ReferenceGovernance and PoliciesBoard of Governors- Search and Governance Committee - Governance Terms of Reference
Search and Governance Committee
Terms of Reference
(approved at a meeting of the Corporation on 6 July 2023)
1.1. The membership of the Committee shall consist of up to six members of the Governing Body. Membership should include the Principal and the Chair and/or Vice Chair of Corporation.
2.1. The Search and Governance Committee shall meet at least three times each year. 2.2. Quorum: Three members including the Principal or the Chair of the Committee.
Role and Responsibilities
3.1. To identify potential Governors, assess their suitability and approve appointments to the Corporation and to approve reappointment of existing Governors for further terms of office. The Committee will have regard at all times to the provisions of the Instrument and Articles of Government or policy as the Corporation may determine from time to time.
3.2. To consider from time to time and approve the composition and balance of the Corporation and its Committees.
3.3. To undertake an annual Skills and Profile Audit in order to test the range of skills and experience on the Corporation.
3.4. To review the Board’s effectiveness through consideration of the selfassessment and other review processes, making recommendations to the Corporation for changes or areas of improvement.
3.5. To consider, review and approve, as appropriate, the release of confidential minutes of the Governing Body and its Committees, note Freedom of Information requests and other systems reflecting good governance practice on a regular basis.
3.6. To monitor the attendance of Members of the Corporation at meetings of the Corporation and its Committees and to take action where poor or continual non-attendance is identified.
3.7. To monitor, encourage and support Governors’ wider engagement in the College including learning walks, visits and meetings with staff and students.
3.8. To monitor and encourage Governors’ participation in training and development opportunities.
3.9. To develop, review and disseminate good governance practice to Corporation on all matters relating to the effectiveness of College governance.
3.10. To participate actively in the recruitment of governors through direct participation in approaches to industry, professional bodies and community groups where appropriate.
3.11. To ensure Governors participate in induction, Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding and other training/briefing programmes where relevant and appropriate.
3.12. To provide an annual report to the Corporation on the work of the Committee.
Responsibilities delegated to the Committee by the Corporation
4.1 To approve:
Committee Membership
Recommendations from the Committee’s Interview panel regarding appointments
Governor requests for re-appointment
The release of confidential papers and minutes
The consideration of instances where the College Seal is used on behalf of the Corporation
The Governing Body’s Self-Assessment Report and Improvement Action Plan.