Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes 11 May 2022

Student Liaison Committee Minutes 11 May 2022

Corporation and Committee Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Leicester College Corporation:

Held on 11 May 2022

Present: Tom Wilson (Chair), Lisa Armitage, Verity Hancock, Harmeet Kaur, Akith Maluge

In Attendance: Zoe Butler – Director of Student Services and Marketing, Deborah Donnarumma – Vice Principal, Curriculum Louise Hazel - Director of Governance and Policy Gail Pringle – Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Harj Singh, Student Liaison Officer Craig Whitehill, Student Liaison Officer

SET Team Course Representatives and Student Union Representatives (See attached list)

  1. Declarations of interest

    • 1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the final meeting of the year. He explained that the purpose of the meeting was to let governors and staff know what is “going on,” and to highlight anything that needed “fixing.” He urged everyone to share their concerns.

    • 1.2 There were no declarations of interest.

  2. Apologies for absence

    • 2.1 Apologies were received from Jai Sharma and Louisa Poole. Ed Marsh was absent.

  3. Minutes and matters arising from the last meeting held on 23 February 2022

    • 3.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2022 were received and agreed.

    • 3.2 There were no matters arising.

  4. Responses to issues raised at previous meetings

    • 4.1 The Director of Student Services and Marketing presented a paper that detailed the responses to queries raised at the last meeting of the Committee. The following points were highlighted.

      • 4.1.1 The Vice Principals and Directors were in discussions around communication with students (reference in previous minutes 5.18, 5.19 and 5.21).

      • 4.1.2 In June there would be a jobs fair which would include information about routes into Childcare, including T-Levels (reference in previous minutes 5.23 and 5.24).

      • 4.1.3 Directors would be following up on issues raised around improvements to skills-based courses (reference in previous minutes 5.27).

      • 4.1.4 The new Director of Information Technology was looking into whether Adobe licences could be issued to allow students to work from home (reference in previous minutes 5.12 and 5.20).

      • 4.1.5 The Careers Team were planning a wide range of activities for this term which focus on ‘Next Steps.’ An email would be resent to tutors to remind them that they could book the Careers Team to come into classes (reference in previous minutes 5.29 and 5.33).

      • 4.1.6 On behaviour, Lee Barratt was looking to provide guidance and training to staff. If a focus group was needed, then he would be happy to do this (reference in previous minutes 5.32 and 5.36).

    • 4.2 Governors noted the feedback.

  5. Feedback from course representatives on agreed questions discussed

    • 5.1 The Committee invited comments from students on a series of questions. The following points were raised.

      • 5.1.1. Careers

        • “No opportunities” (L3 Graphic Design).

        • “…done quite a few industry things [which] gave us an understanding. Some work experience wasn’t work experience for example watching Alice in Wonderland.” This was with regards to simply watching a performance and not gaining any experience in doing makeup for a performance. (L3 Media Makeup)

        • “Not all opportunities have been accessible” (L3 Media Makeup). The student explained that she lived a distance from the College and struggled to travel in the evening.

        • “Work experience at National Space Centre was really helpful.” (Digital T Level: Digital Production, Design and Development).

        • “Had to find work experience myself because it was during Covid.” (L3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science). The student explained that she had emailed places herself to find work experience.

        • Scarefest was mentioned by a couple of students although they thought that they only went because the organisers sent promotional material out (L3 Acting National Extended Diploma).

        • “[Work experience is] ...built into the course. But it keeps getting cancelled (L2 Pastry).

        • A student described how there had been a work experience coordinator who had initially promised lots of opportunities including volunteering with Leicester Riders. She had then not responded to emails and had left the College (L3 Extended UPS)

        • “Absolutely not. We didn’t talk about careers.”

        • A student explained that Careers Advice had been useful, especially as she is learning in a second language. She had been happy because she could visit staff and discuss her options. She is now choosing subjects which she had initially thought that she would not be good at (GCSE Adult Pathway).

        • A student highlighted the work of Katie Whale at Abbey Park who she described as “literally amazing,” and explained that she had been supported with her UCAS application.

        • A student from Freemen’s Park explained how she had asked for help with her UCAS application but had never received support. She had to resubmit her application (L3 Makeup).

        • Response: The Principal responded by saying that many of these issues could be explained by the Covid-19 Pandemic, but that they still needed looking into. The Chair noted that views had been quite mixed and appeared to depend on which course was being studied.

      • 5.1.2. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

        • A student wanted to highlight an issue regarding students with additional needs such as dyslexia. She wanted to confirm whether dyslexic students could have extra time to complete course work (L3 Health and Social Care). Response: The Director of Student Services and Marketing explained that there was formal process for allowing more times for exams but would have to confirm whether this also applied to coursework. The Head of EDI considered this to be a reasonable adjustment which would not require any formal process. Governors requested that directors confirm this.

        • A student governor praised International Day and told the meeting that she had thought that the event was particularly beneficial for ESOL students. She suggested that students should be informed that the Students Union was able to assist with organising cultural and equality events. Response: The Principal agreed that International Day had been a good event. It had been difficult to communicate this to students over the previous two years. The Director of Student Services and Marketing added that the new induction highlighted the various ways in which students could get involved in equality events.

        • “...communication between staff and staff, and staff and students. We don’t know what’s going on until the last minute. Room are also being double booked. Tutors not turning up is an issue... When we raise issues, they are dismissed... Our group is split in two and the other group seems to be treated much better and we miss rehearsals because we have to watch other groups... ... [The] College, as a whole, is worth looking at. But my course – not at the moment. Our group is miserable.” (L3 Acting National Extended Diploma). Response: The Principal agreed to follow this up.

        • “...tutors should understand that PSD sessions are just as important as coursework. PSD sessions are helpful.” (Business)

      • 5.1.3. Additional information which would have been useful

        • “...knowing what we were supposed to be doing in our coursework. Knowing what we would be doing in our second year”

        • “There have been times when we’ve not had enough details about the course which makes me anxious”

        • “...doing things that we should be doing next year, this year” (Digital T Level). Response: One of student governors agreed with this point. Governors noted that this may have occurred because it may have been the first time that the course had been run.

        • “...would be good to include student opinion [which] can tell you what it’s like to be on the course.” Response: The Director of Student Services and Marketing commented that there had been positive feedback on the use of students at open days – particularly in performing arts – and that she encouraged curriculum areas to find students who are willing to take part in open days. The Principal informed the meeting that there were short video clips of students which were going on the website.

        • “Knowing the options for the degree level.” (L3 Media Makeup) The student added that she had been unaware of the options available to her which would have still enabled to go on and take a degree in the subject.

        • “ much money do we need to spend on exams... it’s expensive” (L3 Media Makeup). Response: The costs to the students should be discussed during open days.

        • “Knowing how soon we would be doing exams. As soon as I went into College, I had an exam and I had to use my own skills” (L3 Media Makeup)

        • “...extra information about the College” (Access to HE). The student explained that thought it would be a good idea to promote Leicester College’s advantages over alternatives such as access to sports facilities and careers advice.

        • “...about fifty percent of what we do was left out of the information, I.e., on the first day we were told about assessments and documents should have been sent out before we started. Everyone on the course was very confused because they didn’t know about the course until they got into the room with the teacher.” (L2 Pastry)

        • “...useful if we could have the timetable before we start” (L3 Extended UPS). The student explained that this would have helped her arrange her employment. Response: The Principal said that timetabling was difficult in FE as student numbers are not known in advance. She understood that this made things difficult for some students.

        • “Breakdown of the course on the website.”

      • 5.1.4 Highlights of the year

        • “Kahoot was a highlight” (L3 Health and Social Care).

        • “...enjoyed it. Tutor actually wanted us to pass. Good tutor.” (GCSE Adult Pathway)

        • “...would recommend [the College] ... I like the social media. I like the promotion of religious festivals on social. I’ve also liked learning crafts like learning lashes... [But I am] not going into industry.” (L3 Media Makeup)

        • A student noted that teachers can make a great difference to how good the course is (L3 Media Makeup)

        • “My tutor Rachel was amazing, especially during Covid” (Finance)

        • A student noted that there were good links with universities, but these could be promoted more to student (Finance).

      • 5.1.5. However, students also commented that:

        • “The social media coverage of Easter, posting an image of an easter bunny and an easter egg was inappropriate given that it was a Christian festival.”

        • “[My] experience in psychology where the teacher left was not good.” (GCSE Adult Pathway) 7

        • “Learning skills, creating logos [was interesting] ... not much communication... I wouldn’t really recommend the course” (L3 Graphic Design).

    • 5.2 Response: The Principal thanked everyone for their comments which she would follow up on.

    • 5.3 Governors noted the feedback from students.

  6. Personal development and induction

    • 6.1 The Vice Principal gave a presentation on the College’s planned approach to personal and social development. The following points were highlighted.

      • 6.1.1. Personal Development (PD) included everything that was done outside of the classroom. There had been a review of PD from the student’s point of view and look at how the existing model could be adapted for different types of students.

      • 6.1.2. There had been termly meetings with students as well as two working groups. Feedback had also been received from other colleges who had received an ‘outstanding’ OFSTED rating in this area.

      • 6.1.3. The Vice Principal was happy to be sent questions.

    • 6.2 Governors requested that the Committee look at personal development again in the new academic year.

    • 6.3 Governors noted the presentation.

  7. Fitness to study policy

    • 7.1 The Vice Principal gave an update on the College’s Fitness to Study Policy. The following points were highlighted.

      • 7.1.1. As part of a review of behaviour and conduct, a Fitness to Study Policy would be developed. There were times when students were unable to engage with their studies and that sometimes personal issues could manifest as behavioural issues. It was hoped that this would lead to having ‘well rounded’ discussions which could consider what additional support was required. The Policy would be about both promoting best behaviours and supporting students.

      • 7.1.2. The Director of Student Services and Marketing added that it was known that issues such as family issues and mental health difficulties could affect behaviour, and that currently, there was no effective means of managing this. The Fitness to Study Policy would help with this and, in addition to discussions around conduct, there would also be support.

    • 7.2 Governors noted the update.

  8. Report from the chair of the student council

    • 8.1 One of the Student Engagement Team presented the report from the Student Council as the Chair and Co-Chair had been unable to attend the meeting. The following points were highlighted.

      • 8.1.1. The Head of PSE had spoken at the Student Council to provide an update on what would be happening with PSD in the next academic year. The council were shown the framework for next year.

      • 8.1.2. The Director of Governance and Policy had spoken at the Student Council about the role of student governors. The position of student governor is up for election and the director had had encouraged returnee students to apply for the role.

      • 8.1.3. The Deputy Principal had spoken at the Student Council. He discussed the skills agenda which is currently working through Parliament. He also explained that the College is working with the local government to ensure that local needs are met. Training providers are also working with employers to ensure that students have the necessary skills.

      • 8.1.4. He talked about the importance of exams and shared some of his own experiences. He recommended that students seek careers advice. He also gave an update on T-Levels. He explained that this would be a big change for the College.

      • 8.1.5. The Student Council met with the Head of Student Engagement who sought the council’s opinion on a video which had been produced to show to students next year. The feedback was positive.

      • 8.1.6. The Student Union gave a presentation to the Student Council.

    • 8.2. Governors noted the update

  9. Presentation on the work of the Student Union

    • 9.1 The President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the Students’ Union (SU) gave a presentation on the work of the SU. The following points were highlighted.

      • 9.1.1. The SU had sent delegates to the National Union of Students (NUS) Conference in Liverpool. On day one when the President of the NUS gave a welcome speech and elections took place. Day two was taken up by policy workshop and Leicester College delegates took part in the international students' workshop.

      • 9.1.2. The SU had sent delegates to the Liberation Conference. Delegates had participated in the Black Students’ Caucus and the Women Students’ Caucus. On day two delegates had participated in policy workshops including the mental health workshop. There were a lot of FE students at the Liberation Conference and Leicester College SU delegates had taken part in some useful discussions.

      • 9.1.3. There had been a visit to De Montfort University (DMU) Student’s Union. The visitors from the SU were able to gain an insight into how a university Students’ Union worked, and DMU Students Union had offered the use of some of their facilities.

      • 9.1.4. The SU had participated in International Women’s Day. There was a stall with cakes and flowers, and everyone visiting the stall was asked “What ‘Break the Bias’ means to you?” Some of the responses were presented.

      • 9.1.5. The President of the SU had been interviewed on BBC Radio Leicester about the College’s Ukraine Day. She had also interviewed former Deputy Mayor Rory Palmer for the Leicester College YouTube channel.

      • 9.1.6. The SU had participated in International Day and had allocated a £650 budget towards various activities. It was noted that Leicester College has students from around 117 different countries.

      • 9.1.7. On 25 May 2022 Langer on Campus will be taking place as part of the celebration of Vaisakhi. Thirty students have volunteered to help serve the langer, and there has been support from the British Association of Sikh Students.

      • 9.1.8. There will be a football tournament on 25 May 2022 at St Margaret’s Pastures. Staff and students were welcome to take part.

    • 9.2 Governors noted the presentation.

  10. Committee workplan 2022/23

    • 10.1 The Director of Governance and Policy presented the workplan for the next academic year. There were no comments or questions.

    • 10.2 Governors approved the workplan for 2022/23.

  11. Committee self-assessment

    • 11.1 The Director of Governance and Policy asked that self-assessment forms were completed before the end of the meeting.

  12. Dates of next meetings

    • 12.1 Dates were yet to be confirmed.

  13. Any other urgent business notified to chair prior to meeting

    • 13.1 The Chair closed the meeting and wished those who were moving on all the best for the future.