Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes 22 June 2022
Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes 22 June 2022
Corporation and Committee Minutes- Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes 22 June 2022
Minutes of a meeting of the board of Leicester College corporation: Finance and general purposes committee
Held on 22 June 2022
Present: Danielle Gillett (Chair), Ed Marsh* (item 8.2 only), Verity Hancock, Caroline Tote, Jonathan Kerry*
In Attendance: Louise Hazel - Director of Governance and Policy, Shabir Ismail - Deputy Principal/CEO, Della Sewell - Director of HR
*Joined meeting online via Teams
Declaration of interests
Verity Hancock, Louise Hazel, Shabir Ismail and Della Sewell declared an
interest in item 8.
Apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies for absence were received from Chan Kataria. Ed Marsh would join
the meeting late.
Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
3.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 4 May 2022 were received and agreed.
3.2 The confidential minutes of the meeting held on 4 May 2022 were received
and agreed.
Financial report (Period 10) and Summer reforecast
4.1 The Deputy Principal presented the finance report (period 10) and summer
reforecast. The following points were highlighted.
4.1.1 The year to date result was an operating deficit after restructuring
costs of £1,675k compared to the budgeted deficit of £1,308k.
4.1.2 Student numbers were below target and the College was not expecting
to meet its 16-18 target by the end of the year.
4.1.3 It would fall short of its AEB allocation and was currently expecting to
achieve around 84%. A further reduction of £775k in income was
reflected in the summer reforecast. The impact of COVID-19 was still
being felt but the cost of living crisis was also biting with more people
prioritising work over study. The ESFA was holding to the 97%
tolerance but it would now claw back the whole underspend up to
100% of the allocation; previously it would have clawed back
underspend up to 97%. This meant there was a potential
understatement of £300k for the clawback expected. It was not
proposed to make any changes to the plan at this point as this was still
well below the materiality threshold. The position would be kept under
review and mitigated where possible to avoid breaking bank
4.1.4 Apprenticeships income was in line with the reduced spring reforecast
target of £3.9m, excluding employer incentives. With timely
achievement, the budgeted figure should be achieved although end
point assessment achievement was outside the College’s control.
4.1.5 HE income was below the spring forecast target by £39k. This had
been adjusted in the summer reforecast.
4.1.6 Pay remained a challenge; overtime and PTL costs continued to be
monitored carefully. Restructuring costs were likely to be lower than
4.1.7 Following the summer reforecast, the overall total comprehensive
income after restructuring costs had decreased from a deficit of £957k
to a deficit of £1,063k. The EBITDA remained positive.
4.1.8 The College remained in the ‘requires improvement’ financial health
rating at 170 points. It continued to meet its bank covenants but this
was very sensitive to any further adverse movements.
4.1.9 A release of £695k had been included within the summer reforecast,
representing part of the Lennartz creditor, which would now not be
payable. This amount represented out of time assessments, which
could not be raised by the HMRC. The College had received written
confirmation from HMRC that this was the case.
4.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
4.2.1 Whether the 84% AEB achievement was an assumption or a fact?
It was an assumption; achievement still needed to be added in and
summer schools were still recruiting.
4.2.2 When would the outturn be known? This was likely to be in October.
4.2.3 Was there more that could be released under the Lennartz line?
There was the potential for more but this was not out of scope and so
should not be released yet.
4.2.4 Releasing this now would help reduce the deficit to £1m? Correct.
4.3 Governors noted the period 10 finance report and agreed to recommend
the summer reforecast to Corporation for approval.
Draft budget 2022/23 and Financial plan 2023/24
5.1 The Deputy Principal presented draft budget 2022/23 and financial plan
2023/24. The following points were highlighted.
5.1.1 The planned budget for 2022/23 showed an operating deficit of £434k
with a breakeven budget in 2023/24 of £58k. The EBITDA was
£1,572k, and 3.5% with financial health at 170 points, Requires
Improvement, moving to 180 points and Good financial health in
2023/24, based on the current system.
5.1.2 The key risks facing the College were highlighted and included
achievement of the planned funding body income levels within the
resources allocated due to the economic climate, the allocation
process and a complex funding formula. Any further funding or policy
changes might also impact adversely on the College.
5.1.3 The College was planning to earn up to 103% of its AEB allocation.
5.1.4 There would continue to be pressures on pay and non-pay including
inflation rates. A pay award of 2.25% had been included in the budget
but this would not prevent industrial action.
5.1.5 Achievement of the Apprenticeships budget and the continued
engagement of employers following the pandemic remained
5.1.6 There remained a further risk that COVID-19 might return more
aggressively leading to further disruption or more students not wanting
to engage. The cost of living crisis would also continue to impact on
people’s willingness to participate in education.
5.1.7 Capital expenditure of £1.2M was assumed in 2022/23.
5.1.8 The risks would be managed throughout the year. A reforecast would
be undertaken in the autumn term once enrolments were known. The
College had a revolving credit facility and would draw this down if
5.2 The Principal commented that the budget was very tight and there were some
brave assumptions. The proposed budget for 2022/23 relied heavily on the
College’s ability to achieve its income targets, and increasingly generate
income within the resources allocated. Staff knew the importance of recruitment
and ESOL and skills for life summer schools were running now. If recruitment
did not improve, further efficiencies would need to be identified. Less viable
classes would be reviewed and the College would need to restructure. This
would be looked at early in the academic year, after the autumn reforecast.
5.3 Governors asked a number of questions including:
5.3.1 Would there be an indication of how recruitment was going by the
time of the October F&GP? There would be early indications for 16-
19 and HE by then and some idea of AEB although this recruited
throughout the year.
5.3.2 What were the main risks associated with the ‘brave
assumptions’? The assumption of achievement of 103% of the AEB
was the main risk. The assumption that apprenticeships would
increase from the current position was also a risk and HE recruitment
was unknown.
5.3.3 The cost of living crisis was a major risk and was unlikely to
dissipate quickly. Agreed, inflation at approaching 10% would
impact adversely in a number of ways.
5.3.4 When would decisions need to be made? By mid-October, it would
be possible to look at structures where areas were down and any
proposals would be ready for the December F&GP and Corporation
meetings so they could be acted on in the second term.
5.3.5 Were the risks identified in the risk register and could a more
explicit link be made? The risks were included in the risk register but
they would be identified more clearly in the budget paper and reports.
5.4 Governors agreed to recommend the draft budget for 2022/23 and
financial plan for 2023/24 to Corporation for approval, subject to
amendment to include a 2.5% staff pay award in 2022/23
Bad debt write-off
6.1 The Deputy Principal presented a paper requesting authority to write-off debts
that were considered uncollectable. The following points were highlighted:
6.1.1 The debts had been chased as far as possible and were now
considered to be uncollectable.
6.1.2 During the academic year to date, from 1 August 2021, there had been
previous write offs of £51,499.29. With this recommendation, the
cumulative total for the year would be £60,222.81.
6.2 Governors considered the paper and agreed to approve the write-off of
uncollectable debts totalling £8,723.52.
Committee workplan 2022/23
7.1 The Director of Governance and Policy presented the Committee workplan for
2022/23. The following points were highlighted.
7.1.1 The workplan followed a similar format to the current year.
7.1.2 Additional meetings would be called if it was felt necessary.
7.2 Governor approved the Committee workplan for 2022/23 and requested
that an additional date be found for November should another meeting be
Waivers of financial regulations
9.1 Governors received and noted the report on waivers of financial
9.2 Governors noted that one of the waivers was for £515k for costs of roof
repairs. This was significant but the reason for the waiver was
Dates of next meetings
5 October 2022
1 December 2022
1 March 2023
3 May 2023
22 June 2023