Finance and General Purposes Special Committee Minutes 11 July 2024

Finance and General Purposes Special Committee Minutes 11 July 2024

Corporation and Committee Minutes

Minutes of a special meeting of the board of Leicester College corporation: Finance and general purposes committee

Held on 11 July 2024 online via MS

Present: Danielle Gillett (Chair), Chan Kataria, Lesley Giles, Lee Soden, Verity Hancock

In Attendance: Louise Hazel - Director of Governance and Policy, Shabir Ismail - Deputy Principal/CEO, Shaun Curtis - Director of Estates and Campus Services

  1. Declarations of interest

    • Verity Hancock declared an interest as a member of the Office for Students (OfS) Board.

  2. Apologies for absence

    • Apologies for absence were received from Robert Radford

  3. Capital projects update - Aeronautical

    • 3.1 The Deputy Principal and Director of Estates and Campus Services presented

      an update on the aeronautical project. The following points were highlighted.

      • 3.1.1 The budget remaining for the project, funded by the OfS, was £4.34m

        after other projects had been completed. Tenders had been invited from

        six potential contractors, two of which had withdrawn. The four remaining

        tenders had come in at between £4.38m and £5.02m net.

      • 3.1.2 Value engineering had brought prices down with GF Tomlinson’s tender

        at £4.124m and it was proposed to proceed with GF Tomlinson as the

        best priced tender. The company had recently completed a £15m

        aeronautical and space institute for Lincoln College.

      • 3.1.3 Taking into account gross costs and a contingency of £125k, the total

        cost of the project would be £5.074m. A further £125k of furnishings

        fittings and equipment could be saved leaving a shortfall of £859k.

      • 3.1.4 It was proposed to vire £374k from the capital budget set aside for

        roofing works to this project; the roofing works could be deferred. This

        meant an additional £475k was needed from reserves to cover the

        shortfall and enable the project to proceed. The Committee was asked to

        agree the additional capital expenditure.

      • 3.1.5 The College would now be contributing 20% of the project cost with the

        remaining 80% from the OfS.

    • 3.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:

      • 3.2.1 What the original planned College contribution was. It had been


      • 3.2.2 What would happen if the additional capital expenditure was not

        agreed? The Committee could choose not to agree it but this would

        restrict growth and the ability to enter an area of delivery which was

        lucrative and would be a genuine USP for the College. There was no

        Level 4/technical pathway for space. It was frustrating that the LLEP

        and other local bodies had not seen the benefits and supported the

        plans with funding.

      • 3.2.3 The College should push for more funding from the OfS. It would

        continue to do so although the OfS had indicated that no additional

        funding was available.

      • 3.2.4 The cost increases were always going to be likely given the current

        market but the project should go ahead. Noted. It was possible that

        more funding might become available.

      • 3.2.5 The new government’s approach looked promising with the

        potential for an industrial strategy, priority sectors including high

        level engineering, strengthened devolution and local investment, all

        of which might unlock opportunities for further funding.

      • 3.2.6 The College should make it known to anyone who might be able to

        provide funding that additional funding was needed so that should

        funding become available the project was an obvious choice. There

        was nothing to lose in doing so. The College was working with the

        University of Leicester. It would also make clear to the OfS that not

        getting additional funding might mean the project needed to be scaled

        down. The Vice Principal would be meeting with Phoebe Dawson

        (Leicester and Leicestershire Business and Skills Partnership) soon and

        would raise it with her.

      • 3.2.7 Was there any scope for working with Leicester University to

        identify a named sponsor? This could be explored.

      • 3.2.8 The short term versus the long term needed to be considered.

        There was a good case that this was integral to growth although

        there were no guarantees. What would the impact be on the bottom

        line, the EBITDA and the financial rating? This was capital

        expenditure so there would only be a small hit on the bottom line in

        terms of depreciation. The EBITDA would be slightly weakened but not

        to any significant extent and the financial health would still be good.

      • 3.2.9 Previously the College had been bold and taken decisions to invest

        out of a position; this was a similar situation and there was the

        potential for access to funding which might not be available again.


      • 3.2.10 Based on previous experience, was there confidence that the

        contingency was sufficient? The greatest point of uncertainty was

        usually at the tender stage; once the contract was awarded, the

        architects who had worked with the College before and knew the market

        well would be critical in helping control costs. Having previously built the

        motor vehicle block next to site of the new building, there was also

        confidence that there were unlikely to be any unknowns in respect of the

        land. There were no archaeological issues. Since it was a new building

        here would be no need to decant which could add to delays.

      • 3.2.11 Why was a decision needed now? The preferred contractor required a

        purchase order to be raised by 12 July in order to commit to the project

        and start work. A meeting with the architect would also be taking place

        on 12 July. The Committee needed to approve the proposed expenditure

        above the previously agreed capital budget.

      • 3.2.12 Had sufficient due diligence been undertaken on the contractor and

        did they have the capacity to deliver? There had been some issues

        with the company’s delivery of reactive work in other sectors. The

        company had two divisions and the building division was considered low

        risk. Its recent work at Lincoln College on a similar project provided

        some reassurance of its capacity to deliver.

    • 3.3 The committee:

      • 3.3.1 Noted the tender prices received for the aeronautical project.

      • 3.3.2 Approved the additional spend of £859k on the project through

        cash reserves, £384k of which would be vired from another project.

      • 3.3.3 Requested a report back at the next meeting.

  4. Date of next meetings

    3 October 2024