Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 28 September 2022
Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 28 September 2022
Corporation and Committee Minutes- Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 28 September 2022
Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Leicester College Corporation:
Meeting of the Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Committee Held on 28 September 2022 Via Teams
Present: John Allen (Chair,) Anne Frost, Zoe Allman, Danielle Gillett, Lisa Armitage, Maureen Magutu, Shaun Curtis, Jai Sharda
In Attendance: Louise Hazel- Director of Governance and Policy, Shabir Ismail- Deputy Principal/CEO, Debi Donnarumma- Vice Principal Study Programmes and Apprenticeships, Kully Sandhu- Vice Principal Adult and HE, Claire Willis- Director of Quality Improvement, Darren Roome- Director of Construction (item 6)
Declaration of Interest
1.1 There were no declarations of interest.
Apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies were received from Verity Hancock. Maureen Magutu was welcomed to the meeting.
Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising
3.1 The minutes of the meeting on 15 June 2022 were agreed as an accurate record and approved.
2021/22 Achievement
4.1 The Vice Principals gave a presentation on student achievement for 2021/22. The following points were highlighted:
4.1.1 GCSE results showed a significant increase in Maths and a slight drop in English. The College compared well to the national picture and was 12.1% above the national for English and 20.9% above for maths.
4.1.2 BTEC and City and Guilds results showed a good spread of high grades across most qualifications which was evidence of students being stretched.
4.1.3 Negotiated as well as predicted grades had been introduced for 2022/23 to help further stretch and challenge students.
4.1.4 T Level results were for the first year of a two-year course. These did not show a wide spread of grades which reflected the national picture. The results were not where the College wanted to be but lessons from this year would be learned. Students could resit any of the three components: papers A and B or the employer set project (ESP). There were some good outcomes for Education and Childcare routes.
4.1.5 There had been major issues nationally with the Health and Science routes with no year 1 results awarded because of very low pass rates. A national inquiry had been instigated and Ofqual had concluded that the assessments were not fit for purpose. Students were allowed to resit the ESP and carry their highest grade forward. The College had planned the re-sit activity and communicated regularly with parents/carers. Each student had been spoken to and an individual plan was mapped out for them.
4.1.6 The College’s priorities for all T levels would be sequencing the curriculum to develop knowledge, skills and behaviour expectations; tracking and monitoring in year; assessment for and of learning and a review of starting points and alternative progression routes.
4.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
4.2.1 The Health and Science T level was a shambles. Was it likely that NCFE would be removed as the awarding body?
It was not clear at this stage.
4.2.2 Maths and English grades looked good; staff were congratulated on the achievements. Were there national results to compare with for the previous two years?
No national data had been published because of the use of CAGs and TAGs in the past two years.
4.2.3 BTECs looked good in some areas but there appeared to be issues with Business and Computing. Was it known what the issues were and how could these be improved in the future?
The issues were mainly in computing and related to retention. Some Level 3 students had struggled with the technical aspects of the course. Two years of lost learning were impacting on students’ ability to achieve higher grades. It was also notable that there were significant numbers of ESOL students who, while fluent in English, had low literacy skills.
4.2.4 Would more detail on achievement be provided to the Committee?
It would be provided in November.
4.2.5 How far were predicted grades compared to actual grades and did that influence future predictions?
Predicted and actual grades would be compared. The College was getting better at predicting and the new approach to grade setting combined with careful tracking and monitoring should also help.
4.2.6 Did the data show that 15% of GCSE students failed outright?
The data presented was achievement rather than pass rates. Retention was more of an issue at 89.4%, rather than achievement which was at 95.4%. Some students just did not turn up to exams.
4.2.7 Were there any patterns among those who did not achieve?
This data was being looked as part of the self-assessment process.
4.3 Governors noted the information and congratulated the English and maths team on the GCSE success.
Freemen’s Park Nursery Report
5.1 The Deputy Principal presented a report following an inspection by Ofsted of the Freemen’s Park Nursery. The following points were highlighted:
5.1.1 The College had been pleased that the nursery had been rated as ‘good.’
5.1.2 The EYFS framework had only been in place for a year and had been challenging for staff. Staff had done well to understand and achieve this outcome under the new framework.
5.1.3 Ofsted had made two recommendations on hygiene and the teaching of online dangers. Immediate action had been taken on these observations.
5.2 In response to a question about the impact of the report, it was noted that the decline from outstanding to good was a disappointment for the nursery leaders but the College still regarded this as a very positive achievement.
5.3 Governors noted the information and passed their congratulations on to the nursery team.
Curriculum Area Focus
6.1 The Director of Construction gave a presentation on the work of the curriculum area. The following points were highlighted.
6.1.1 The area was structured around three programme areas: onsite crafts, plumbing and gas and electrical. Student numbers for the three areas totalled around 1,000 students, around half of whom were full-time and there was a strong part-time adult offer. There were around 360 students on commercial/full costs courses.
6.1.2 The curriculum intent was described. Provision was offered from Level 1 up to Level 4 with progression routes for the three programme areas.
6.1.3 Beyond the curriculum, there was high participation in student enrichment including work placements and Erasmus. There were positive destinations for students. Around 40% of leavers went into apprenticeships, 22% into paid employment and 24% continuing in FE. Internal progression was strong.
6.1.4 Student numbers were slightly under plan for the year although some courses had recruited strongly; adult numbers were above plan.
6.1.5 The expected achievement for 2021/22 was similar to the previous year at around 85.8%.
6.1.6 Curriculum area initiatives included the introduction of T Levels in 2021/22, Level 1 adult, non-prescribed HE, technical qualifications and full cost provision particularly in electrical and gas.
6.1.7 Challenges were highlighted as maintaining achievement rates against a backdrop of COVID-19, staff recruitment, removal of funding for Level 3 provision, accommodation, student retention and the volume of employer engagement required for work experience and placements, 5
6.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
6.2.1 Some of the construction T level results were not very good for Construction; what was being done to turn those around?
Onsite construction was very good but Building Services Engineering had not performed as well. The intention was to use the 16-19 tuition fund to support students if they needed to resit. The area also needed to deploy staff to make best use of their strengths and share good practice.
6.2.2 What would make most difference to the facilities and the area’s ability to unlock capacity issues?
A bespoke new building for electrical and plumbing would enable the College to offer the same standard of facilities for these areas as it did for carpentry and joinery. This would also help recruit staff. It was noted that the SLT had discussed capital investment very recently. It would be important to ensure that any investment was in areas where the College could be confident of growth and was affordable given other cost pressures.
6.2.3 Were there different ways of recruiting staff that might help with the staffing challenges?
Different options were being explored including offering market supplements, although it was felt that part-time staff did not have the same level of commitment. While construction was booming, potential staff could demand higher salaries in the industry. 6.3 Governors thanked the Director for his presentation and noted the information.
QA Meetings: Summary of Issues From 2021/22
7.1 The Director of Quality Improvement presented a report summarising issues from the 2021/22 Quality Assurance (QA) meetings. The following points were highlighted:
7.1.1 There had been five QA meeting occasions with 52 meetings during the year. The involvement of maths and English staff had been a positive development and had meant that the meetings could look at attendance, risks and progress measures for maths and English as well as for the main curriculum area.
7.1.2 Attendance had declined over three years which appeared to be a sector picture.
7.1.3 Retention had dropped slightly for adults but was static for 16-19s.
7.1.4 There had been a smaller number of viewings but 88.1% of these were judged to be effective which was felt to be a realistic picture.
7.1.5 Work scrutiny was pleasing.
Deep Dives and QA 2022/23
8.1 The Director of Quality Improvement presented a report outlining the plans for deep dives and QA in 2022/23. The following points were highlighted:
8.1.1 The deep dive model had been designed to emulate those that would occur as part of the current inspection regime under the Education Inspection Framework (EIF). A trial deep dive took place on the last week of term in Apprenticeships.
8.1.2 There were 13 deep dives planned for 2022/23 on a three-week rolling cycle. The first would start in week 10, 3-7 October with two during that week; one would be conducted by an external specialist covering high needs and SEND. Most deep dives would be conducted at programme area level. Deep dives were planned for the remaining eight areas during 2023/24; the schedule had been planned by the Vice Principals on a risk basis.
8.1.3 Each deep dive would run for two days or four days in the case of a whole curriculum area. The team of reviewers would consist of quality, student services and HR as well as curriculum.
8.1.4 The reviews would report on each key aspect of the EIF and on the student and staff journey.
8.1.5 Actions arising from them would be incorporated into the area’s Quality Improvement plan (QIP).
8.1.6 QA meetings would take place each term. Areas of focus would be student progress, English and maths, personal develop and students experience and progress with the QIP. Those areas which had been through a deep dive would not have a QA meeting.
8.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
8.2.1 What had been learned from the pilot?
A lot had been learned about the process. An Ofsted inspector had shadowed and provided feedback. Some key points for the area and well as for the College as a whole had been picked up and shared.
8.2.2 If things emerged that could help other areas, would they be shared before further deep dives were conducted or was the aim to get a baseline across the College?
The teams conducting the deep dives would learn a lot from the process that was applicable to other areas. Lessons learned would be shared and this would inform CPD.
8.2.3 How long would a viewing be?
It would be as long as needed which might be the whole session.
8.2.4 It was good to see the focus move from compliance to improvement. Noted; assessing the impact on the student experience would be critical.
8.3 Governors noted the information and requested a verbal update at the next meeting.
Enrolment Update
9.1 The Vice Principals gave an update on enrolment. The following points were highlighted:
9.1.1 16-19 numbers were slightly above plan; areas slightly below and above were highlighted. There were a lot of late enrolments and the College was still enrolling students. Attrition needed to be factored in and there would be a focus on retention and making sure students were on the right courses.
9.1.2 Apprenticeships were looking healthy at the moment.
9.1.3 A good start had been made on adult recruitment in the three curriculum areas which recruited the majority of adults. Recruitment continued throughout the year but this year’s figures showed an improvement on the same point in the previous year.
9.1.4 HE courses were currently enrolling; it remained a competitive environment and two courses had been suspended due to low numbers.
9.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
9.2.1 The College had made a business case around AEB last year; what was the Agency’s position on tolerance this year?
The threshold would be 97% and clawback would now be the difference between 100% and outturn rather than between 97% and outturn.
9.2.2 Should the College be worried?
There was reason to be worried, both in terms of achieving the AEB allocation but also in terms of the rising costs of living. Apprenticeships were very sensitive to shifts in the economy and business confidence. The College’s recruitment and financial position was being reviewed constantly and a reforecast would be undertaken.
9.2.3 Was the College being targeted for strikes?
Not at the moment although this could change. Relationships with the unions were good but pay remained a concern.
9.3 Governors noted the information.
Committee Self Assessment
10.1 The Director of Governance and Policy presented the results of the Committee self-assessment. The following points were highlighted:
10.1.1 Responses had been very positive.
10.1.2 Areas for improvement were highlighted. Action was being taken on these. More meetings would be held face to face. Governors would be 8 encouraged to come into College and undertake visits and more use of data dashboards including a governor dashboard was being planned to enable governors to look at the same data as managers in real time.
10.2 Governors noted the information.
Any Other Business
11.1 There was no other business
Date of Next Meetings
1 February 2023
26 April 2023
14 June 2023