Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 27 April 2022
Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 27 April 2022
Corporation and Committee Minutes- Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Minutes 27 April 2022
Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Leicester College Corporation:
Meeting of the Curriculum Strategy and Quality Improvement Committee Held on 27 April 2022 Via Teams
Present: John Allen (Chair), Verity Hancock, Zoe Allman, Harmeet Kau,r Lisa Armitage, Akith Maluge, Shaun Curtis, Danielle Gillett
In Attendance: Louise Hazel- Director of Governance and Policy, Shabir Ismail- Deputy Principal Kully Sandhu- Vice Principal Adult and HE, Andy Cookson- Director of Creative and Performing Arts (item 4), Neil Challinor- Quality Development Manager (items 5-9)
Declaration of Interest
1.1 There were no declarations of interest.
Apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies for absence were received from Jai Sharda and Anne Frost..
Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising
3.1 The minutes of the meeting on 2 February 2021 were agreed as an accurate record and approved.
3.2 As a matter arising it was asked whether the increase in the number of students projected to fail had been looked in to. It was explained that there would always be a difference between PP1 and PP2 because staff would have a better idea of how students were doing. It was usually around December/ January when issues began to surface and this allowed tutors to put interventions in place to support students. The methodology currently used was not fit for purpose and a review had been undertaken to develop a more appropriate methodology for the next year.
3.3 The minutes of the special meeting on 9 March 2022 were agreed as an accurate record and approved.
Curriculum Area Focus
4.1 The Director of Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) gave a presentation on the work of the curriculum area. The following points were highlighted.
4.1.1 The area covered visual, media and digital, fashion and footwear at SMC, performing art and music and sound at APC, and hair and beauty at FPC.
4.1.2 Around 60% (649) students were on study programmes, 12% (279) were adult and 25% (147) were on HE programmes. The area also attracted commercial income from the salons and Sue Townsend Theatre.
4.1.3 The range of specialist resources and facilities was outlined including salons, dance and rehearsal studios, music, art and digital workshops and studios.
4.1.4 Achievement rates overall were at 85.1%, around the national rate. Retention was at 91.3%. For 16-18s, rates were at 82.1% and for 19+ at 95%.
4.1.5 There was cross-departmental collaboration across the curriculum area including on fashion shows, theatre performances and film. A range of enrichment activities were also provided including end of year shows, trips and visits.
4.1.6 The College had successfully bid for £237k of OfS capital funding. This would be used to upgrade current IT equipment in digital suites across the curriculum area and buy specific industry specialist subject equipment for photography, media and film, performing arts and artistic make up, and equipment for recording lectures, practical sessions.
4.1.7 Priorities and challenges for the area included improving achievement rates in PAMU and Hair; increasing HE student and AEB income with an enhanced offer; obtaining comprehensive destinations data to inform planning; and improving staff recruitment/retention especially in specialist roles.
4.1.8 Work was also needed to plan for Wave 4 T-Levels in Craft and Design, Media Broadcast and Production, Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics.
4.2 Governors asked a number of questions including:
4.2.1 Where students from the area progressed to. Many progressed to higher education.
4.2.2 How T levels were being received and planned for. It was still early days. There would be a lot of work to prepare for the new qualifications and resources including equipment and staffing would need to be identified and planned in.
4.2.3 Whether the area found it difficult to recruit staff from industry. This was an issue, as it was for many areas of the College.
4.2.4 What was the area’s approach to curriculum innovation? It tried new courses and then adapted them based on student demand and take up. The approach varied across the programme areas and some bespoke areas of growth were developed where there was an identified need. A gap in salon management had been identified and so a level 4/5 course was being developed to offer progression opportunities.
4.2.5 Were there enough salon clients? Clients were always needed for hair and beauty, particularly at this time of year. The pandemic had affected participation but bookings were now increasing.
4.3 Governors thanked the Director for his presentation and noted the information
Teaching Learning and Assessment Update
5.1 The Quality Development Manager presented a report on teaching learning and assessment. The following points were highlighted.
5.1.1 The College had sought external insights into trends in teaching learning and assessment in 2018. This had informed the development of the quality improvement strategy with a focus on CPD.
5.1.2 During 2019-2021 six learning strategies were deployed. In 2021/22 the focus had been on Cognitive Load Theory and Principles of Instruction, focusing on the human memory and how to create an effective environment in which students could learn.
5.1.3 A Digital Literacy Strategy and a Practitioners Digital Framework had been developed. A Digital Framework self-assessment was distributed to staff; this was revisited 18 months later to monitor the distance travelled. As a result of the pandemic, the College had accelerated its plan to train staff to use digital technology. In the latter half of 2021/22, there had been a shift in focus to support digital pedagogy.
5.1.4 The impact of the College’s approach had been that viewing outcomes were consistently high. In 2021/22, 73.3% were assessed as effective across all key elements of a session. Student Survey responses showed an improving trend for TLA across the last three years. There had also been a culture shift with staff seeing working with CDCs as an opportunity for support to develop practice rather than just a consequence of poor performance. Over the last three years there had been a significant increase in the number of requests for CDC support. The Digital Framework Self-Assessment also showed a very positive trend in staff digital skills.
5.1.5 The Initial Teacher Education Ofsted Inspection May 2021 had highlighted the quality of TLA as a positive in the report.
5.1.6 A mentoring programme for new staff had been introduced.
5.2 Governors asked the following questions.
5.2.1 At the last Student Liaison Committee it had been commented that students liked the talking, modelling and scaffolding approach adopted. Acknowledged; it was important that the College used strategies to help students know, learn and remember more.
5.2.2 If 73% of viewings were effective, did that mean that 27% were ineffective?
Not necessarily. The viewings looked a range of elements of a session and it might be that a member of staff was effective in most areas but needed support in one or two of the 10 elements. 73% were effective in all areas.
5.2.3 How did staff get to become CDCs, were they outstanding teachers?
The number of CDCs recruited had increased from two to seven. They were excellent teachers who had a passion for pedagogy but also for supporting other teachers. There were increasing numbers of people with this passion.
5.2.4 Were new members of staff treated differently from existing staff and how were they brought into the College quality culture?
They were assigned a CDC who supported them through an induction process, making sure they had access to everything they needed to be successful and were aware of the College culture and processes.
5.2.5 When would the new three-year plan be available?
This would be shared shortly.
5.3 Governors noted the report.
Changing the Face of FE Report: Curriculum Recommendations
6.1 The Deputy Principal presented a report on the curriculum recommendations from a report, Changing the Face of FE. The following points were highlighted:
6.1.1 A project part funded by the ETF had been commissioned by the College to understand the reasons for under representation of nonwhite staff in senior roles in the College and to look at how curriculum resources could reflect the student profile and wider community. The Black FE Leadership Group had conducted the research.
6.1.2 Findings included that there was a strong commitment from the Principal and Senior Leadership Team to develop a culturally inclusive curriculum and this commitment would be reflected in the next strategic plan and associated strategies. The project identified a need to articulate an overarching strategy for a culturally inclusive curriculum, with set expectations and consistency in approach.
6.1.3 Some staff and students felt that the College needed to employ more diverse role models and some staff felt that they needed more development of their own knowledge around an inclusive curriculum.
6.1.4 Teaching staff were proactive in raising concerns with awarding bodies about equity, language and concepts impacting on students for whom English was a second language.
6.1.5 The College had been looking at an approach for adults, noting that Leicester performed poorly against comparator cities in terms of adult qualifications. Work was also underway to look at the development of a language strategy to help overcome barriers and enable teachers to support students.
6.1.6 A series of recommendations had been made and an action plan was being tracked by SLT. The findings would also inform the EDI strategy.
6.2 Governors asked the following questions.
6.2.1 There were a lot of recommendations; would they all be achieved in the next academic year? There was some overlap in recommendations. Some could be completed quickly and others would take more time but would be implemented over the life of the new strategic plan.
6.2.2 Would the research including around comparator colleges be shared with others to distribute and learn from best practice? The College was continuing to work with the Black FE Leadership Group which would provide opportunities to network and share practice with other colleges.
6.2.3 Was there a role for governors in the action plan? This would be picked up at the away day.
6.3 Governors noted the report. Zoe Allman left the meeting
Comparative Data
7.1 The Principal presented a report on retention and pass rates. The following points were highlighted:
7.1.1 16-18 year-old retention was on par with other GFEs with the exception of Entry level students. 16-18 year-old students achieved less well than other GFEs particularly at levels 1 and 2. Students achieved better than other GFEs in six of the 12 SSAs.
7.1.2 16-18 pass rates were lower than other GFEs for all diversity indicators. However, the number of non-white students was significantly higher than in many colleges and so they were not like for like comparisons.
7.1.3 There were still too many 16-18 students who were retained but did not achieve. This was felt to be an impact of the pandemic and was being monitored closely throughout 2021/22.
7.1.4 English and maths pass rates, although higher than other GFEs, impacted on pass rates for Entry level and levels 1 and 2. The College had a higher percentage of students undertaking English, maths or both than other GFEs because prior attainment at KS4 in these subjects was lower in Leicester than nationally.
7.1.5 Adult retention was higher than other GFEs on all levels. Adult pass rates were higher than other GFEs, except for level 3, although adult enrolments were significantly lower at level three compared to all other levels. Pass rates were higher in 12 of the 14 SSAs.
7.1.6 Areas where the College needed to improve were already included in the QIP. 7.2 Governors asked the following questions.
7.2.1 If COVID had not had such an impact this year, would 16-18 results have increased? Potentially. It would be interesting to see what Ofsted’s view would be. Although achievement had been impacted, retention had been high and retaining students was important. The College had worked hard to give them a good overall experience.
7.2.2 It would be important to keep emphasising the number of KS4 resits in the City, the significant impact this had and what the College did to try and address this need. Agreed. The College had a much harder job in this respect than many other colleges.
7.3 Governors noted the report.
7.4 The Principal then presented a report on apprenticeship achievement rates. The following points were highlighted:
7.4.1 In 2020/21 Standards equated to 69% of the College’s Apprenticeship provision, Frameworks 28%, with an increasing shift to Standards.
7.4.2 Standards overall achievement rates, all ages, all levels, showed a three-year improving trajectory, but remained below the 2020/21 NAR.
7.4.3 Achievement rates for overall Frameworks, all ages, all levels showed a three-year improving trajectory, 6.9% above the NAR.
7.4.4 Achievement rates for overall Frameworks and Standards combined showed a slight increase, 0.2% on 2019/20 but a 9% decline from 2018/19.
7.4.5 Apprenticeship retention for Standards and Frameworks had declined and was slightly below the NAR but had been affected by the pandemic.
7.4.6 16-18 year old Standards achievement rates showed a three-year improving trajectory but remained a concern at 5.7% below the 2020/21 NAR. 19-23 year old Standards achievement declined significantly in 2020/21, remaining a concern. The dip in 24+ achievement was due to the withdrawal of a large cohort of apprentices.
7.4.7 Level 2 achievement for Standards showed a three-year improving trajectory but was 10.5%, below the NAR, remaining a concern.
7.4.8 Apprenticeships had been particularly affected by the pandemic in terms of retention but there were also legacy issues including poor recruitment.
7.4.9 Although achievement was still below national rates, there was a threeyear improving trend. With better recruitment and good IAG, there was confidence that progress was being made and, provided there was no further disruption, the College should soon be above NARs. 7.5 Governors asked the following questions.
7.5.1 It was helpful to understand the context and see the improvement although the College was still below the NAR. Would Ofsted look at Frameworks and Standards separately? It was unclear. Predicted outcomes for this year looked much higher.
7.5.2 Level 2 still needed to be the focus. Acknowledged; this was in the QIP.
7.6 Governors noted the report.
QIP Update
8.1 The Principal gave an update on progress with the QIP. The following points were highlighted:
8.1.1 Good progress was being made; all actions had been RAG rated, most were green or amber and there were no concerns.
8.1.2 The action around staff vocational placements was rated red. These had been very difficult during the year because of the pandemic and there was now a timing issue with staff focusing entirely on supporting students through to the end of their courses.
8.1.3 The Ofsted thematic review of T levels had taken place before Easter. Unofficial feedback from this was being compiled. There were some positives and also some areas which would need to be looked at and which would be incorporated into the QIP.
8.2 Governors asked whether the Government was still fully supporting T levels; some universities indicated they would not accept them. The Government was still supporting T levels. T levels were never intended just as a route into university but as a route to employment and to more vocational higher-level pathways, so the approach of some universities was understandable.
8.3 Governors received and noted the paper.
KPI Monitoring
9.1 The Quality Development Manager gave an update on KPIs. The following points were highlighted.
9.1.1 Attendance was showing as 85.1% overall, which was slightly down on the previous year during which people were attending online.
9.1.2 Retention was high at 96%. This was slightly down on the previous year which was also be expected given that much of the delivery was online.
9.1.3 The third progress point had taken place. This showed that overall the College was -1.7 grades below target. This was stable from the previous PP. However the target setting process had been reviewed as it was essentially the ALPS system which not felt to be appropriate for the College’s students. A new system which included more realistic but still challenging targets would be introduced for 2022/23.
9.2 Governors received and noted the update
Date of Next Meeting
15 June 2022
Any Other Business
11.1 There was no other business.