Publication Scheme and Access to Information
- Publication Scheme and Access to Information
Document No: | GP005 |
Issue No: | 6 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 |
Renewal Date: | 2027-03-01 |
Originator: | Director of Governance and Policy |
Responsibility: | Director of Governance and Policy |
Publication Scheme and Access to Information
1.1 Leicester College is committed to making as much information about College activities as possible available to the public either through documents currently published on the College website or on request.
Freedom of Information Act 2000: Publication scheme
2.1 Adopting a publication scheme is a requirement of Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities, which include further education colleges.
2.2 Leicester College uses the model publication scheme produced by the Information Commissioner’s Office in the Definition Document for colleges of Further Education. The Scheme provides a description of the “classes” or types of information that the Information Commissioner expects colleges of further education to make available. The definition document for further education colleges can be downloaded by following the links from The main classes of information are shown in Appendix 1 of this Policy.
2.3 Organisations are obliged to produce a guide to the specific information held under each of the classes of information identified in the scheme: this guide is attached as Appendix 2 to this Policy.
How to access information
3.1 Leicester College will make available information it holds unless it has been identified as not available under one of the exemptions provided for by the legislation. Any documents routinely available to the public are noted in Appendix 1. Some documents are published in electronic format via the College’s website at or other websites as indicated. Other documents are only available in hard copy and will be provided on request.
3.2 Requests should be made in writing and a response will normally be made within 20 working days. A Freedom of Information Request Form is attached to this Policy as Appendix 3.
Charging policy
4.1 Printed information on courses and services offered by the College is available free of charge, as is information issued to people responding to notices of job vacancies. The majority of the information is available on the College website. If requested, the College will produce publications and documents in other formats where it is reasonably practical to do so.
4.2 For items not routinely available on request free of charge, or for items requested in other formats which incur additional costs, the College will usually make a charge. The charge will normally comprise the cost of photocopying or scanning or the direct cost of putting the information into other requested formats. Postage will also be charged if applicable. In certain circumstances, at the College’s absolute discretion, the fee may be waived.
Contact and complaints
5.1 The contact for requests for documents, questions, comments or complaints about this Policy or the Publication Scheme is as follows:
Louise Hazel
Director of Governance and Policy
Leicester College Freemen’s Park Campus
Welford Road
Leicester LE2 7LW
Telephone: 0116 224 2023
Complaints outside the college
6.1 The College will do everything in its power to meet enquirers’ information needs. If, however, the College is unable to resolve a complaint, enquirers have the right to complain to the Office of the Information Commissioner, the independent body which oversees the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. The address is:
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Appendix 1
Main classes of information
1. Who we are and what we do
2. What we spend and how we spend it
3. What our priorities are and how we are doing.
4. How we make decisions.
5. Our Policies and Procedures
6. Lists and Registers
7. The services we offer
Appendix 2
Leicester College
Guide to documents available under the publication scheme (All requests to be forwarded to the Freedom of Information Officer on the appropriate form – Appendix 3).
This is not an exhaustive list but indicative of the types of documents held. If a document you require is not shown in this guide please contact the Freedom of Information Officer. Some information may, in some circumstances, be exempt from disclosure.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be found on the College website at:
| ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
1.1 | Legal framework |
1.2 | How the Institution is organised |
1.3 | Lists of information relating to organisations the College works in partnership with and any companies wholly owned by it |
1.4 | Location and contact details | Switchboard: 0116 224 2000 E-mail: Website: Campus Addresses:
1.5 | Student activities |
| ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
2.1 | Funding/Income |
2.2 | Budgetary and account information |
2.3 | Financial audit reports |
2.4 | Capital programme |
2.5 | Financial regulations and procedures |
2.6 | Staff pay and grading structures |
2.7 | Register of suppliers |
2.8 | Procurement and tender procedures and reports |
2.9 | Contracts |
3. What our priorities are and how we are doing | ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
3.1 | Annual report |
3.2 | Corporate and business plans |
3.3 | Teaching and learning strategy |
3.4 | Academic quality and standards |
3.5 | External review information |
3.6 | Corporate relations |
3.7 | Government and regulatory reports |
4. How we make decisions | ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
4.1 | Minutes from governing body and committee meetings |
4.2 | Teaching and learning committee minutes |
4.3 | Minutes of staff/ student consultation meetings |
4.4 | Appointment committees and procedures |
5. Our policies and procedures | ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
5.1 | Policies and procedures for conducting college business |
5.2 | Procedures and policies relating to academic services |
5.3 | Procedures and policies relating to student services |
5.4 | Procedures and policies relating to human resources |
5.5 | Procedures and policies relating to recruitment |
5.6 | Code of conduct for members of the governing body |
5.7 | Equality and diversity |
5.8 | Health and safety |
5.9 | Estate management |
5.10 | Complaints policies and procedures |
5.11 | Records management and personal data policies |
5.12 | Charging regimes and policies |
| ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
6.1 | Any information currently legally required to be held in publicly available registers |
6.2 | Asset registers |
6.3 | Disclosure logs |
The services we offer | ||
Sub classes | Documents | |
7.1 | Prospectus and course content |
7.2 | Health advice |
7.3 | Careers advice |
7.4 | Chaplaincy services |
7.5 | Services for which the college is entitled to recover a fee (together with those fees) |
7.6 | Sports and recreational facilities |
7.7 | Museums, libraries, special collections and archives |
7.8 | Conference facilities |
7.9 | Advice and guidance |
7.10 | Local campaigns |
7.11 | Media releases |