Equality and Diversity Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
Document No: | SS008 |
Issue No: | 7 |
Issue Date: | 2021-07-14 |
Renewal Date: | 2024-07-14 |
Originator: | Diversity Manager |
Responsibility: | Director of Student Services and Marketing |
Equality and Diversity Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
1.1 Leicester College has inclusion as one of its core values. These govern the way we work with each other and our approach to all our students and stakeholders.
1.2 The College aims to promote equal opportunities for potential and current staff, students, apprentices, visitors and other stakeholders, and will actively implement all of its equalities policies in order to combat discrimination and to promote good relations between different groups.
1.3 We are proud to be located in a city such as Leicester, and value the diversity of all the communities we serve. We acknowledge and celebrate the different backgrounds, cultures, languages, abilities and beliefs of our students and staff. The College aims to promote community cohesion, and to provide a safe and harmonious learning environment where everyone feels that they belong.
1.4 The College works within the existing legislation relating to equality and diversity and will take a range of actions each year to ensure it meets its general and specific public sector duties. We are opposed to, and will tackle, any harassment and all other discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, particularly in relation to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act i.e., age, disability, race, (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), sex, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief and sexual orientation, but also in relation to social background, class and trade union affiliation.
1.5 We will continue to take positive action to address any underrepresentation in the student or staff profile, and to tackle any gaps in the success, retention or achievement rates for any equality group. We will also work to eliminate any barriers that might inhibit the success or progression of any groups of students or staff.
1.6 This policy applies to all College activity including ESF contracts.
The Legal Framework
2.1 The College will comply with the current legal framework of the Equality Act in both its spirit and letter.
2.2 The College will take a holistic approach to work on Equality and Diversity, which incorporates all of its proposed actions in relation to age, disability, race, sex, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, maternity and pregnancy, marriage and civil partnership and religion and belief. We will also consider issues of socio-economic inequality and class that are not required under the Act. Developments and achievements in equality and Diversity will be monitored and reviewed annually as a minimum.
2.3 In relation to disabled students and apprentices, the College will adhere to its duties under the Equality Act, and will make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum, information and the built environment. We recognise that the 'anticipatory' aspect of this duty means that we need to consider what sort of adjustments may be necessary for disabled people in the future, and where appropriate, will make these adjustments in advance.
Broad Principles
3.1 The College will publish the actions that it intends to take each year to implement its public sector equality duty set out in the Equality Act 2010 (the Act) to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
3.2 The College will also meet its specific duties as defined by the law. It will continue to implement and assess the impact of its policies, procedures and practices on present and potential students, staff and visitors, to ensure that no equality group is disadvantaged.
3.3 The College believes that high quality education is a right for all, and will encourage all students, apprentices and staff to reach their potential.
3.4 The College will actively work towards offering equality of opportunity to all students, apprentices, staff and visitors.
3.5 All participants in the educational process will be made aware that they have a legal and moral responsibility to eliminate discrimination and harassment and to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people from different backgrounds and communities, and between different equality groups.
3.6 The College will take active steps to eliminate all forms of discrimination (whether direct or indirect). Bullying, harassment or any other discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated. The types of discrimination that are prohibited are.
3.6.1 Direct discrimination: this is treating someone less favourably (or, in the case of pregnancy and maternity, unfavourably) because of a protected characteristic. It also includes less favourable treatment because someone is associated with another person who has a protected characteristic.
3.6.2 Indirect discrimination: this is treating a group of people in the same way, but in a way which adversely affects those with a protected characteristic. 3.6.3 Victimisation: this is treating someone less favourably because they have alleged discrimination or asserted their right not to be discriminated against because of a protected characteristic.
3.6.4 Harassment: this is unwanted conduct, related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for someone or violating their dignity. Harassment may also be of a sexual nature. It may also occur where someone harasses the victim, the victim either rejects or submits to the harassment and, because of that rejection or submission, that person then treats the victim less favourably.
3.6.5 In the case of disability only, discrimination arising from disability: this is unfavourable treatment of the disabled person because of something arising in consequence of their disability. Such treatment is unlawful unless it can be objectively justified;
3.6.6 In the case of disability only, the duty to make reasonable adjustments: this duty comprises three requirements: where a provision, criterion or practice puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in relation to a relevant matter in comparison with persons who are not disabled, to take such steps as it is reasonable to have to take to avoid the disadvantage; where a physical feature puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in relation to a relevant matter in comparison with persons who are not disabled, to take such steps as it is reasonable to have to take to avoid the disadvantage; and where a disabled person would, without an appropriate adjustment, be put at a substantial disadvantage in relation in comparison with persons who are not disabled.
3.7 The College will adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism in its equality work with staff and students. This definition states:
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
3.8 The College will take positive action to try to recruit a workforce and student body that is diverse and reflects the local population and will address any differences in outcomes for any particular group.
Specific Principles – Leadership and Management
4.1 The College will ensure that equality and diversity is reflected in its values and vision statements, and that a high profile is given to these issues at all levels of the College’s work.
4.2 The Governing Body and managers will ensure that the College is fully compliant with legislative requirements on Equality and Diversity.
4.3 The College will monitor how well equality of opportunity is promoted, and discrimination tackled, through all of its quality assurance and selfassessment processes.
4.4 The College, and individual managers, will regularly monitor the success, retention rates and attendance rates of students and apprentices from different equality groups, and will take action to address any gaps.
4.5 The College will constantly review its provision and support services to ensure they are designed to take into account the specific needs of all equality groups.
4.6 The College will continue to assess the impact of its policies, strategies, plans and practices as required by legislation.
4.7 The College will work with employers and providers of work-based learning to ensure that equality and diversity principles are monitored and met, and that any under-achievement or under-representation is addressed.
Access to, and Participation in, Education and Training
5.1. A clear statement of the College’s commitment to Equality and Diversity will be made in relevant College publications and publicity.
5.2. The College will work to ensure that there is no discrimination of any kind in relation to the recruitment and admission of students to courses or apprentices to training. Recruitment patterns across curriculum areas for all equality groups will be reviewed and positive action taken to address any under-representation.
5.3. The College will constantly review its provision to ensure that is appropriate for and attractive to students and apprentices from all backgrounds e.g., physical access, location and timing of courses and interviews, availability of reflection rooms, and childcare support.
5.4. The College will provide appropriate financial support, within the resources available to it, to students who can demonstrate financial need and will monitor take up by equality groups.
5.5. The College will seek to identify and take into account the needs of local communities and actively encourage representation in relevant policymaking and consultation bodies.
5.6. The College will seek to develop specific provision that meets the needs of particular communities’ e.g., specific ESOL courses and on course ESOL support, support for young parents and Looked After young people.
5.7. The College will make available interpreters if they are required by students or their families to access education e.g., at enrolments, parents’ evenings etc. and will make information accessible and available in alternative formats if required.
Employment of Staff
6.1. Recruitment for all positions within the College will be carried out in a manner which accords with good equal opportunities practice. The College has a detailed Code of Practice for staff recruitment and appointments.
6.2. The long-term aim is that the College establishment should broadly reflect the make-up of the sub-regional available-for-work population.
6.3. Members of interviewing panels will be made familiar with the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy and the Recruitment Code of Practice. Training in appropriate procedures and practices, and on specific equalities issues will be given. Where possible, interview panels should also reflect the diversity of the College population.
6.4. The criteria for the promotion and progression of existing employees will be determined solely on the basis of the requirements of the job.
6.5. The Human Resources Department will be responsible for the maintenance of statistical information relating to the profile of the workforce, of all applicants and staff involved in disciplinary actions, grievances, leavers etc. The Governing Body will review and monitor these statistics to identify any trends of differences between equalities groups.
6.6. The Human Resources Department will provide guidance and support to managers to take positive action to improve the diversity of their teams.
6.7. The Human Resources Department will assess the impact of their policies and practices on equalities groups and will monitor staff surveys, consultations etc. by equalities characteristics.
Marketing, Publicity and External Liaison
7.1. The College will act to identify the needs of the communities the College serves and will take positive action to engage with equalities communities. This will include liaison with community representatives and market research.
7.2. Publicity material will, where practical, reflect the diversity of all communities, and will be free from bias. Particular facilities such as the nursery and reflection rooms will be emphasised in publicity materials.
7.3. The College’s Equality and Diversity Policy will be available to all staff and students through the intranet and be referred to in key documents such as the Prospectus.
7.4. The College’s publicity material will be available in translation into community languages or alternative formats if required and will be widely distributed in public places and community venues.
7.5. The College will take positive action to publicise its provision to communities that are currently under-represented as staff or students, through attending community events, road shows, links with schools and specific initiatives.
The Curriculum, Assessment, Learning and Teaching
8.1. It is the legal and ethical responsibility of all staff to conduct their teaching and learning activities in a non-discriminatory manner, and this is reinforced in the requirements of the Education Inspection Framework.
8.2. All students and apprentices will be provided with an effective induction programme that familiarises them with the College’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy and helps them to recognise the rights and responsibilities of themselves and others in relation to these issues.
8.3. Teaching and learning will be informed by equality and diversity principles, and an awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. Teaching styles should take account of students’ varied backgrounds, abilities and learning styles. This should be regularly monitored through the College’s quality assurance processes.
8.4. The outcomes of any assessment processes will be regularly monitored to ensure that they do not indirectly discriminate against any particular group of students or apprentices.
8.5. Enrichment and personal and professional development for all curriculum areas and cross-College development will address equality and diversity issues including community cohesion and religious and cultural diversity, and we would expect that student and apprentice surveys reflect a good understanding of these issues.
8.6. The curriculum for all areas will be rich and varied and should be regularly reviewed to ensure it is culturally sensitive, addresses equality issues, and reflects the interests and backgrounds of students.
8.7. All teachers should use materials, resources and learning activities that are free from discriminatory assumptions, images and language, challenge stereotypes, are sensitive to diversity and promote equal opportunities. The College will take swift action if it is made aware of any inappropriate materials that are discriminatory, or work against community cohesion.
8.8. Curriculum design will be sufficiently flexible, and the curriculum offered sufficiently broad, to take account of the differing needs of all students, with the objective of providing easy access to the curriculum for non-traditional students and widening participation.
8.9. Under the protection of the relevant legislation, the College will encourage specific course provision in those areas of the curriculum where particular groups of students are under-represented.
8.10. The College will offer learning support in English and maths for all students who are identified as requiring it, support for students whose first language is not English, and appropriate additional support for any disabled students.
8.11. A range of inclusive activities will be developed (both college wide, and in specific curriculum areas), that promote the good relations between students from different backgrounds, and support community cohesion.
Student Support and Guidance, and Student Voice
9.1 Support (financial or personal) provided to students and apprentices through Student Services will be monitored by equality groups to ensure that it is equally available to all students, and positive action will be taken if any group does not appear to be accessing a service.
9.2 All students and apprentices will be encouraged to take part in Student Voice activities, and these will be monitored to ensure that they are inclusive, and that students on decision making bodies include those from all equalities groups.
9.3 Positive action initiatives will be developed to meet the needs of students from any particular groups who are found not to be proportionately accessing support services e.g., young parents, Looked After young people, asylum seekers, international students.
9.4 Pastoral support will be constantly reviewed to ensure it takes account of the needs of particular groups of students e.g., through the development of the Multi-faith Chaplaincy
9.5 Student Services will provide appropriate impartial advice and guidance to all students and apprentices. Welfare Advisers will ensure that all students have access to appropriate financial support and will monitor the take up.
Behaviour, Attendance, and Discipline
10.1 All formal processes relating to student behaviour or disciplinary actions will be monitored by equalities group, and any overrepresentation or other issues will be addressed.
10.2 Staff managing these processes or sitting on the panels should be trained in equalities and diversity as part of their induction programme.
10.3 Attendance of students and apprentices on different courses will also be monitored by equalities groups, and action will be taken to seek, understand, and address any patterns that emerge.
College Environment
11.1 The College will seek to create an environment in which all students, staff and visitors feel comfortable, irrespective of their background.
11.2 The College staff will respond positively and courteously to all its students, staff and visitors from the first point of contact, and will be trained in equality and diversity to enable them to meet the needs of particular equality groups.
11.3 College facilities will be reviewed regularly to ensure that the needs of particular groups receive attention, and the views of students and staff from different equality groups will be sought as to any proposed changes.
11.4 The College will cater for the different religious and cultural needs of its students e.g., providing for particular dietary requirements where possible, providing reflection rooms on all main sites.
11.5 The College will continually review the physical access to its buildings and environment to ensure it complies with the law and is accessible to the widest range of disabled people as possible and will publish information about its access arrangements.
11.6 The College will ensure that displays, photos and other artefacts reflect the diversity of the college and promote community cohesion.
Staff Training and Development
12.1 All managers and governors will receive Equality and Diversity training and should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities regarding equalities and diversity.
12.2 The College will make all employees aware of their responsibility for the implementation of Equality and Diversity policies through induction and follow up training.
12.3 The College will use a range of processes to support teaching staff to review the tutorials and the content of the curriculum they deliver to ensure it is relevant and culturally sensitive (e.g., lesson observations, coaching and training).
12.4 Staff training and development opportunities will be monitored by equalities groups to ensure that they are equally available to, and can be accessed by, all staff, both teaching and support, full-time and part-time.
12.5 The College will also take positive action to offer opportunities for training and promotion to groups of employees who are identified as disadvantaged and / or are under-represented at particular levels in the organisation.
Harassment and Bullying
13.1 The College will ensure that all students and staff are aware of the policies and processes for reporting harassment and bullying through induction and tutorials, and this information will be available in all major publications, and on the intranet.
13.2 Support will be provided for any students who are victims of harassment or any other form of bullying, through the tutorial system and Student Services. The College Counselling Service will also provide a confidential service for all students if required.
13.3 The College has a contract with an Employee Advisory Provider. All employees have access to confidential counselling via a telephone help line including legal services. New employees will be provided with information regarding this service.
13.4 The Human Resources Department will provide advice and guidance to employees on all issues connected with their employment, including bullying or harassment.
13.5 All complaints of bullying and harassment will be recorded and dealt with through the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy and will be passed on to the Equality and Diversity Manager if necessary. The outcomes will be monitored by equalities group.
14.1 The College will ensure that staff and students from equality groups are consulted on, and involved in, the development of the Equalities Framework and other equality policies, and in identifying areas for action. 14.2 The College will consult its staff and students from different equality groups on other policies and strategies as required and will ensure that they are involved in decision making and Student Voice bodies. 14.3 Specific questions on equalities and diversity will be included in student satisfaction surveys and the results will be monitored by equality group
The Equalities and Diversity Committee, under the Chair of the Principal, will monitor compliance with the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy. The Committee’s remit is:
To advise and report to the Senior Leadership of the College on policies and good practice in relation to equalities, diversity and community cohesion, and to provide them with minutes of all meetings.
To agree an annual work plan that includes any review of equalities policies and plans, in conjunction with the Director of Governance and Policy.
To approve, review and monitor the implementation of the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy and Equality Objectives and all related equality and diversity policies and action plans and to determine Codes of Practice and other guidance.
To receive monitoring reports on outcomes for staff, students and apprentices from different equalities groups (e.g., success rates, applications, appointments) and to recommend to SLT strategic actions to address any areas of concern.
To receive and comment on an annual Equality and Diversity Annual Report on the strengths and areas for improvement of equality and diversity work in the College.
To raise awareness of, and comment on, new national policies and statutory requirements in relation to equality and diversity, and to advise the College on their compliance. To advise on the strategy for raising awareness of equalities and diversity issues through staff development and other activities.
To commission and agree the Annual Report on Equality and Diversity for the Governors.
To consider the views expressed by the Student and Staff Equality Forum representatives.
To undertake any other task within the broad remit of the Committee.
Procedure for Handling and Monitoring Complaints
All complaints will be dealt with under the College’s Complaints Procedure. In the case of serious complaints relating to equalities, the Head of Equality and Diversity may be appointed as the Investigating Officer. Prior to entering the formal process, complainants can speak to a colleague, or to a member of the Equality and Diversity Committee. Complaints will be monitored annually and reported on by equalities group.
Monitoring our Progress
To inform the setting of targets (EDIMs) and the measurement of our progress in achieving them, the College will collect and analyse the following information by equality groups
For students and apprentices
Profile of students and apprentices
Applications, success and failure rates of admission to programmes
Retention rates
Achievement rates
Work placements including success rates, satisfaction levels and job offers
Disciplinary action
Complaints by students and their response
Satisfaction surveys
For employees
Profiles of employees by grade and type of work
Job application rates
Selection success rates
Type of contract (permanent, temporary)
Training application rates
Promotion application and success rates
Disciplinary proceedings
Satisfaction surveys
Publicising our Policy and Progress
To the public (including students, work placement providers and staff)
Our commitment to equalities and diversity will be highlighted in our charter, prospectus, and annual report
Summary of the results of our monitoring information will be included in our annual report
To students and apprentices
All students and apprentices will receive a summary of the statement in the Course/Programme Handbook. Copies will also be on display in the learning resource centres and student social spaces The induction programme for students and apprentices will highlight the College’s commitment to equality and diversity, action to be taken by students who suffer discrimination and the action to be taken against any perpetrators of discrimination
Learning Coaches will reinforce this information during tutorials.
To work placement and apprenticeship providers
All work placement and apprenticeship providers will receive a summary of their responsibilities under this statement and will signify their understanding and agreement to them
Providers will be offered training on equalities and diversity, where appropriate
College staff will promote the recruitment of students from underrepresented groups to providers
Summary of the results of our monitoring information will be made available to all employers
To staff
All staff will be signposted to the Equality and Diversity Policy as part of the online training programme
The induction programme will highlight the College’s commitment to equality and diversity, action to be taken to support students who suffer discrimination and the action to be taken against any perpetrators of discrimination
Division of Responsibilities
Governors are responsible for ensuring that
The membership of the Governing Body reflects the diversity of the communities served by the College
The College’s strategic plan includes a commitment to equality and actions to implement it
Other College strategic documents and curriculum SARs include targets for implementing the Single Equality Scheme
They consider the equality implications of any planning or review of provision
They are aware of the governing body’s statutory responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity
They ensure that managers and other staff receive adequate training to meet their equality duties
They receive and respond to the monitoring information relating to students and staff
They scrutinise reports analysing complaints and grievances in relation to equality and discrimination.
The College Principal is responsible for
Giving a consistent and high-profile lead on equality and diversity issues
Promoting equality and diversity inside and outside the College
Ensuring that the Equality Policy and its procedures are followed Ensuring that managers fulfil their responsibilities in relation to the Equality Policy.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that
They are aware of the College’s statutory duties in relation to equality and diversity
The policy is actively promoted and put into place, making sure that staff are aware of their responsibilities and receive support and training to carry them out
All aspects of College policy and activity are sensitive to equality and diversity issues
Equality monitoring information is collected and analysed
Targets are set on the recruitment, retention and achievement of students and apprentices based upon the analysis of the monitoring information
Teaching observation reports include comments on equality and diversity issues
Internal verification procedures include scrutiny of equality and diversity issues
Curriculum areas are required to assess performance in relation to equality and diversity issues through the self-assessment process and action taken as appropriate
The procedures for the recruitment and promotion of staff enshrine best practice in equal opportunities
Targets are set on the recruitment and promotion of staff based upon the analysis of the monitoring information
The College’s publicity materials present appropriate and positive messages about equality groups
Student induction programmes and personal and professional development and employability programmes reflect the College’s commitment to promote equality and diversity
The staff are responsible for ensuring that
They are aware of the College’s statutory duties in relation to equality and diversity
Teachers must ensure their schemes of work, lesson content and teaching resources demonstrate sensitivity to issues of equality and diversity
They challenge and report inappropriate behaviour by students, apprentices, work placement providers or other members of staff
They promote community cohesion, and good relations between students and apprentices from different backgrounds and between different equality groups.
Students are responsible for ensuring that
They promote equality and diversity and community cohesion
They do not discriminate against anyone for reasons of disability, age, ethnicity, colour, race, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, maternity or pregnancy, religion and belief, sexual orientation, social background, class, or trade union affiliation They challenge and report any breaches of equality policies.
Contractors and Service Providers are responsible for ensuring that
They follow the College’s Equality Framework and any equality conditions in contracts or agreements.
Handling Breaches of the Policy
20.1. If you believe you have been unfairly treated in breach of this policy, you should follow our Grievance Procedure. The harassment complaints procedure set out in our Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy is also available to any employee who believes that they may have been harassed or bullied. Employees will not be victimised in any way for making such a complaint in good faith. Complaints of this nature will be dealt with seriously, in confidence and as soon as possible
20.2. Any breach of this policy by a student, apprentice, staff member or College Governor will be treated as a serious matter, and if necessary, handled through formal disciplinary procedures.
Review and Consultation
21.1. This policy will be reviewed every three years by the Equality and Diversity Committee. As part of the review, the views of internal and external stakeholders, including students, apprentices and staff from different equalities groups, will be sought and taken into account. Any recommendations for change will be passed to the Senior Management Team, and from them, on to the Governing Body for approval.