Leicester College Public Value Statement
Leicester College sees the creation of Public Value as the fulfilment of our Vision, Values and Mission:
To equip people with the skills they need to be successful in education, in work and business and in their personal lives.
The College creates Public Value in numerous ways, including:
Enabling skills acquisition at a range of levels and training the workers of the future
Developing personal confidence and raising aspirations among all learners
Delivering a range of services and support for employers
Delivering a range of services for the wider community
Displaying and promoting local leadership through our relationships and collaboration with other organisations
Promoting enterprise and entrepreneurship through skills acquisition
Promoting and enabling active citizenship and democratic engagement
Encouraging and supporting participation in volunteering and other unpaid activities
Working with the most vulnerable groups (Looked After Children, teenage parents, asylum seekers) to develop confidence and skills
Supporting individuals and communities furthest from the workplace or facing disadvantage or deprivation into learning and/or employment
Acting as a beacon for community cohesion
Contributing to the local economy as a major employer and consumer of services as well as a provider of technical and professional skills training.
In order to secure the involvement and trust of stakeholders and to ensure that the College offers what they want and need, we will:
Promote success among all types of learners, ensuring that all learners have equal chance of success
Remain an inclusive and accessible organisation that places the needs of the learner first
Regularly review and develop our offer to local need and demand at individual and business level
Consult the local community and key stakeholders about the major strategic decisions we make which are then set out in our strategic plan.
Engage in regular consultation with stakeholders about the services they receive and report on the outcome of consultations
Act with integrity and transparency by making publicly available a range of information about the College’s performance.
Updated July 2017