Higher Education Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Higher Education Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Corporate Information- Higher Education Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Document No: | CR014 |
Issue No: | 2 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-01 |
Renewal Date: | 2025-08-01 |
Originator: | Higher Education |
Responsibility: | Director of HE and Access |
Higher Education Attendance and Punctuality Policy
1.1 Students* enter College for a range of reasons. Their main aim however is usually the achievement of their chosen qualification. It is our duty to support students to achieve their outcomes, ensuring that their experience at Leicester College is a positive one and will offer them progression and employment opportunities. As a result, the maintenance of up-to-date data, especially data captured in registers, is the responsibility of all staff who are accountable for students.
1.2 Retaining students and supporting them to achieve their qualifications is fundamental to the success of the College. Close monitoring of attendance contributes to a students’ continuation and completion. Where students are at risk of low attendance, it is a requirement of the Curriculum Area to address this with use of attendance data available.
1.3 The College target for HE student attendance is 80% and 85% for higher level apprentices (HLA). The key to good attendance is high quality teaching and learning supplemented by the positive engagement of students. Each Curriculum Area is required to ensure that attendance at timetabled sessions is recorded in an accurate and timely manner. Where relevant, the conclusions drawn from College-wide processes will be used to improve the punctuality and attendance of students.
1.4 The College targets for continuation are not less than 80% for full time (FT) and part time (PT) HE and 75% for Apprenticeships (HLA)**. These targets and associated strategies will be monitored through termly Programme Management Board (PMB) meetings and annual self-evaluation processes (see also Section 6).
1.5 This policy and related procedures apply to all Level 4+ students on prescribed HE (e.g., Foundation Degrees, Higher Nationals, Honours), non-prescribed HE (e.g., L4+ NVQ, L4+ professional short courses) and higher-level apprenticeships.
*For the purposes of the Policy ‘students’ includes any student/apprentice studying on a programme at level 4 and above. Other students should consult CR013.
** Target set as +5% in HE Strategy Action Plan 2022-25 and may be superseded by PSRB or other external agencies requirements.
Procedures and Reports
2.1 The overarching framework for this Policy is recognition that we should be treating our students with respect. The examples that we ourselves set as staff are important in terms of modelling positive behaviour. It is therefore implicit that all staff ensure that they are prepared in advance for each timetabled class and that the classes start and finish on time.
2.2 Safeguarding responsibilities relate to all College students and requires that attendance is accurately recorded and monitored on a timely basis***.
2.3 Attendance information may be shared with parents/carers of L4+ students aged under 18. Attendance information will not be shared with parents/carers of students aged 18+ unless the student requests this in writing. For apprentices’ attendance will be shared with the employer at the progress review regardless of age.
2.4 The expectation is that staff will regularly access and use the College’s attendance information available through EBS On Track, Matrix/Power BI, and ProMonitor to ascertain punctuality and attendance patterns. Any interventions on punctuality or attendance should be based on this data.
2.5 Appropriate support for students can aid punctuality and attendance. Programme Lead/Apprenticeship Leads****(PL/AL) are responsible for identifying students at risk or in need of additional support and/or mentoring. Where mitigating circumstances impact on student punctuality or attendance, the PL/AL should make all tutors aware of these circumstances through Pro Monitor/SmartAssessor. Where appropriate, referral to wider student services support within the college should be made.
***See College Register Policy
****Programme Leads or equivalent i.e., Apprenticeship Lead
The College’s Graduate Attributes include ’self-management' that asks students to demonstrate ’the ability to plan work, schedule and use time effectively’ *****. Any time after the starting time of a timetabled event is an instance of lateness. Lateness will always be recorded in line with the College Register Policy. When considering and making a judgement on the impact of HE student punctuality issues consider the following:
Is the lateness persistent or one-off?
Is lateness first thing in the morning or is it for sessions when the student is already in College?
Is there a pattern developing with persistent student lateness that is disruptive to other students?
***** See HE Scheme of Work SoW Template
3.2 Students should telephone the College or contact tutors through email/Teams before the start of class to say if they are going to be late. This should be explained to students during the induction period, with appropriate contact details provided.
3.3 Students must never be excluded from classes due to lateness. In situations where students are late to practical workshop classes and have thus missed demonstrations and relevant Health and Safety information, they will need to be accommodated within the class but not allowed to perform operations which carry a potential risk.
3.4 In all instances, the tutor should make it clear to the late student that the lateness has been noticed and recorded. The tutor is required to ascertain the reasons for the lateness at an appropriate time during or immediately at the end of the session.
3.5 Significant concerns about lateness should be recorded through ProMonitor/SmartAssessor and raised where applicable at 1:1/tutorial/review meetings. In extreme cases where a student is persistently late, this should be addressed in accordance with the Student/Apprentice Behaviour and Conduct Policy.
4.1 Students should telephone the College or contact tutors through email/Teams before the start of class to say if they are going to be absent. This should be explained to students during the induction period, with appropriate contact details provided. Absence will always be recorded in line with the College Register Policy.
4.2 In the event of unexplained non-attendance, the following procedures should be exercised:
Unauthorised absence will be marked in accordance with the Register Policy and only acceptable register marks should be used. The register is an auditable document that is used by external funding agencies (i.e., Student Loans Company) and can be used in matters of law. Registers will be subject to audit samples throughout the academic year. It is the responsibility of individual staff members to be familiar with the appropriate register marks and to seek clarity, where necessary. The ‘Off Campus’ (O mark), can be used in relation to Level 4+ higher education delivery. The guidance for correct use of this attendance mark is described in the Register Policy.
It is the individual responsibility of all staff to complete registers within the first 30 minutes of each session. It is imperative that the College has a clear and accurate picture of student/apprentices being in sessions, and so absence can be monitored and addressed in a timely manner. The college’s auto-alert system will only trigger once a register has been completed within this timescale. There may be serious potential safeguarding implications if registers are not completed in a timely manner.
In the case of work-based or HLA students it is appropriate for the employer to be contacted in the event of unexplained nonattendance.
Where work placement/work experience students are due in the workplace but have not attended, the Curriculum Area will need to have arranged with the workplace to have this reported to the appropriate staff in their area. In most cases, this will be the work placement co-ordinator or Programme/Apprenticeship Lead.
4.3 From their monitoring, PLs/ALs should be aware if there is persistent absence develops and issues of non-attendance should, as with issues of lateness, be raised with students in 1:1/Review meetings, recorded on Pro Monitor and, if necessary, addressed in accordance with the College procedures outlined in Appendix 1 and 2.
4.4 PLs/ALs should consider the possibility of safeguarding concerns around issues of non-attendance. HE students may be vulnerable, particularly if living alone away from home, and continued non-attendance should be addressed quickly. Patterns of attendance that are unexplained or where contact has not been possible with the student and/or emergency contact should be referred to the Safeguarding Team as a concern, for further investigation. Additionally, any discussions with students relating to absence that highlight any potential wellbeing or other safeguarding issues should be referred to the Safeguarding Team, in line with normal reporting procedures.
Punctuality and Attendance Monitoring and Intervention
5.1 Appendices 1 and 2 set out the three-stage process for monitoring and dealing with the poor punctuality and non-attendance of HE students and HLAs.
5.2 Stage 1 involves action and monitoring (Pro Monitor) from the PL. Stage 2 escalates to the PAM and a tactical suspension of student finance can be invoked. A tactical suspension blocks the release of the next schedule tuition fee/maintenance loan payment. Stage 3 is a move to withdraw that involves formally ending the student’s finance arrangements and must be signed off by the DoC.
5.3 De Montfort University (DMU) maintains that the monitoring of attendance and actions implemented as a result remain a matter for resolution at local level. For this reason, this College policy supersedes DMU policy. In the situation where a HE student is being withdrawn from the College based on poor engagement and attendance normal procedures for withdrawal should be applied. Contact the HE office for further information.
5.4 To avoid confusion and duplication, where a student is being monitored for attendance and becomes involved in an issue that requires the use of the Student/Apprentice Behaviour and Conduct Policy, then subsequent monitoring and action should be via the Student /Apprentice Behaviour Breach/Disciplinary procedure.
Continuation (HE)
6.1 The College applies the Office for Students (OfS) definition of ‘continuation’ to its dataset for Higher Education. Students active beyond 2 weeks of their start date are within the count. OfS continuation rates (excluding transfers) are based on student activity one year and 14 days after the student’s start date. Undergraduate level students who are still studying for their HE qualification at the College, or who have qualified are described as having continued. All other students are described as non-continuers.
6.2 In the case of HE students who have secured tuition fee/maintenance loans, the Student Loans Company make three payments across the year to the student (maintenance loan) and the College (tuition fee). These payments roughly coincide with the start of each term; 25% of the annual tuition fee is paid after approximately 6 weeks of attendance in the Autumn Term. A further 25% is paid in January for the Spring Term and a final liability period payment of 50% of tuition fee is paid to the College after Easter for attendance in the summer term. If a student attends after one of these liability dates and then withdraws, the tuition fee and maintenance loan payment will be triggered for that term. If withdrawn from studies after this census point, the student will not be eligible for a tuition fee refund and may have to pay back all or part of their maintenance loan. Several agencies including the awarding body must be notified when a HE student withdraws, contact the HE office for guidance and in all cases the HE Change of Circumstance process should always be followed.
Links to Other Policies
7.1 This policy links to the following policies and procedures concerning students and contact with parents:
Register Policy and Procedure
HE Punctuality and Attendance Monitoring Process (HE/NPHE) | |
Where punctuality becomes a concern the HE student will be invited to discuss the matter with the PL with actions and outcomes recorded through Pro Monitor/Smart. Where appropriate, persistent, and disruptive lateness should be addressed through the Student/Apprentice Behaviour and Conduct Policy. | |
Stage 1 - Attendance falls below 80% HE PL raises concern with student via face 2 face, email, or Teams. Student invited to correspond/discuss matter and outcome recorded on Pro Monitor. Attendance continues to be monitored when it falls below 70% - escalate to Stage 2 below. | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 2 - HE PL notifies PAM, who at their discretion uses HE ATTEND (a) letter to formally invite student to discuss attendance at a meeting. At this point the PAM should contact the HE Office to obtain the letter template and be given advice about the tactical suspension of student finance (see 5.2). PAM to use the HE ATTEND (b) letter to record outcome of meeting. To include the establishment of a 4-week review period, and requirement that the student MUST achieve an attendance rate above 70% during 4-week period. The letter also confirms that a tactical suspension of student finance has been set up with the Student Loans Company. HE ATTENDANCE (b) sent to student and archived on Pro Monitor. | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 3 - The Director of Curriculum, at their discretion sends HE ATTEND (c) notifying student of the intention to withdraw. The DoC should contact the HE Office to obtain the letter templates. HE ATTEND (c) sets out notification of intention to withdraw student from last date of attendance. Student asked to contact curriculum manager in writing to present grounds for appealing decision and a 10-day appeal deadline set from the date of the letter. If grounds for appeal accepted by curriculum manager, repeat stage 2 (above). If grounds for appeal not accepted or no appeal submitted - proceed to withdraw. | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 3 – Confirmation of withdrawal Use HE ATTEND (d) to notify student that despite its best efforts the College cannot confirm satisfactory attendance and withdrawal is confirmed by the Director of Curriculum. | Withdraw student. Use HE Change of Circumstance process |
Appendix 2
HE Punctuality and Attendance Monitoring Process (HLAs) | |
Where punctuality becomes a concern, the HLA will be invited to discuss the matter with the AL with actions and outcomes recorded through Smart Assessor. Where appropriate, persistent, and disruptive lateness should be addressed through the Student/Apprentice Behaviour and Conduct Policy. | |
Stage 1 - Attendance falls below 85% AL raises concern with student via face 2 face, email, or Teams. Student invited to correspond/discuss matter and outcome recorded on SmartAssessor. Attendance continues to be monitored when it falls below 75% - escalate to Stage 2 below. | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 2 - AL notifies ACM, who at their discretion uses HE ATTEND (a) letter to formally invite student to discuss attendance at a meeting. Use the HE ATTEND (b) letter to record outcome of meeting. To include the establishment of a 4-week review period, and requirement that the student MUST achieve an attendance rate above 75% during 4-week period. HE ATTENDANCE (b) sent to student and archived on SmartAssessor | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 3 - The Director of Curriculum, at their discretion sends HE ATTEND (c) notifying student of the intention to withdraw, copy of HE ATTEND (c) letter MUST be sent to the HE Office. HE ATTEND (c) sets out notification of intention to withdraw student from last date of attendance. Student asked to contact curriculum manager in writing to present grounds for appealing decision and a 10-day appeal deadline set from the date of the letter. If grounds for appeal accepted by curriculum manager, repeat stage 2 (above). If grounds for appeal not accepted or no appeal submitted - proceed to withdraw. | Attendance falls to 80% or below |
Stage 3 – Confirmation of withdrawal Use HE ATTEND (d) to notify student that despite its best efforts the College cannot confirm satisfactory attendance and withdrawal is confirmed by the Director of Curriculum. | Withdraw student. Use HE Change of Circumstance process |
Appendix 3
Letter Sample for Stage 2 Meeting Invite (adapt titles/attendance rate for us with HLAs)
Things in brackets to be completed by staff member
Direct Dial 0116 (Add phone number)
Direct Email (Add email)@leicestercollege.ac.uk
Reference HE attend (a): Invite
Date (Add date)
Dear (Add name),
Re: Stage 2 meeting invite - Attendance Concerns
I am writing to you to let you know that further to the previous Stage 1 correspondence / discussions with you as recorded on Pro Monitor our records show that your attendance has fallen further and is now (add percentage). This is below the expectations we have for undergraduate level students at Leicester College and initiates stage 2 of the College’s HE Student Attendance and Punctuality policy; Attendance falls to 70% or below.
Please can you attend a meeting with me to discuss this matter further. I have arranged the meeting for (insert date and time). Please report to the (add campus and staff room) or attend the (meeting scheduled on Teams).
Yours sincerely
(PAM/ACM name)
(Programme Area name)
Copy: Pro Monitor
Letter Sample for Stage 2 Meeting Outcome (adapt titles/attendance rate for us with HLAs)
Things in brackets to be completed by staff member
Direct Dial 0116 (Add phone number)
Direct Email (Add email)@leicestercollege.ac.uk
Reference HE attend (b): Outcome
Date (Add date)
Dear (Add name),
Re: Stage 2 meeting outcome - Attendance Concerns
Thank you for attending the meeting which took place on (insert date).
At the meeting we discussed your attendance and the reasons for you missing classes. I explained that continued non-attendance impacts on your ability to succeed on your course. Even one class or session that you miss can make a difference to your success and achievement.
I confirm in this formal written warning that that your attendance needs to improve. I also confirm that if you are receiving student finance that a tactical suspension has been actioned with the Student Loans Company. If your attendance does not improve as described below and you proceed to stage 3 of the HE Student and Punctuality Policy, your student finance will be affected.
Your attendance will continue to be monitored during the 4-week review period that was agreed (insert dates). Your attendance during this 4-week review period needs to average above 70%. If there is no improvement you may be invited to a meeting under stage 3 of the College’s, HE Student Punctuality and Attendance Policy; Attendance continues below 70%.
The College has a range of support services available and, if necessary, we can arrange for you to be referred to these to ensure you can continue to attend classes as required. For further information, please refer to the College’s website or Moodle.
This letter will be kept on Pro Monitor for the duration of your course. I look forward to your attendance improving and wish you every success on your course.
Yours sincerely
(PAM/ACM name)
(Programme Area name)
Copy: Pro Monitor
Letter Sample for Stage 3 Notice to Withdraw from Programme (adapt titles/attendance rate for us with HLAs)
Things in brackets to be completed by staff member
Direct Dial 0116 (Add phone number)
Direct Email (Add email)@leicestercollege.ac.uk
Reference HE attend (c): Notice to Withdraw
Date (Add date)
Dear (Add name),
Re: Stage 3 - Notice to withdraw from programme
I am writing to let you know that further to the disciplinary meeting on insert date here, our records show that your attendance has continued below 70% and is now insert here. This is below the expectations we have of undergraduate level students at Leicester College and initiates stage 3 of the College’s HE Student Punctuality and Attendance Policy; Attendance continues below 70%.
This letter confirms the College’s intention to withdraw you from your programme. Your withdrawal from the programme will impact on your student finance arrangements and may hamper your ability to secure student finance in the future.
We ask that within 10 days from the date of this letter you urgently contact (insert name of Curriculum Manager) in writing to present grounds for appealing this decision. A record of this letter will be kept on Pro Monitor.
Yours sincerely
(PAM/ACM name)
(Programme Area name)
Copy: Pro Monitor
Letter Sample for Stage 3 Notice to Withdraw from Programme (adapt titles/attendance rate for us with HLAs)
Things in brackets to be completed by staff member
Direct Dial 0116 (Add phone number)
Direct Email (Add email)@leicestercollege.ac.uk
Reference HE attend (d): Withdraw
Date (Add date)
Dear (Add name),
Re: Stage 3 - Confirmation of withdrawal programme
Repeated attempts by the College to re-engage you with your studies have not resulted in outcomes that meet the expectations we have of undergraduate level students at Leicester College.
In our ‘Notice to withdraw - Stage 3 letter’ (insert date), we informed you of our intention to withdraw you from the programme. I can now confirm that this has been actioned and relevant stakeholders have been notified of your ‘Change of Circumstance’. You have been formally withdrawn from the programme and we advise that you contact student finance agencies to discuss the implications of this outcome.
The College has a range of support services available and, if necessary, we can arrange for you to be referred to these to ensure you understand the consequences of your withdrawal from the programme. For further information, please refer to the College’s website or Moodle.
This letter will be added to your Pro Monitor record.
Yours sincerely
(PAM/ACM name)
(Programme Area name)
Copy: Pro Monitor