There is lots of different information being released regarding coronavirus, so we have put together the following FAQs for students, parents/carers, applicants and those with general enquiries.
These will be expanded and updated as more information becomes available, so check back in the future for updates. If your question has not been addressed and your enquiry is urgent, please contact us.
Is Leicester College closed?
Yes. In line with government guidance, we closed all of our buildings from 1 July 2020. Staff are continuing to work remotely. If you need to contact the College you can email, or if you have a specific query about your course you can contact your tutors directly.
When will the College re-open?
We are monitoring the local situation closely and will remain closed until we are advised that it is safe to do so by local and central government.
Should I still come in to complete an assessment?
No. All assessments are now postponed. If you have already been contacted to come into College you should not until we contact you again.
General questions
The College is closed but can we still contact you about enquiries?
- Yes absolutely – you can still contact us for general enquiries.
- Businesses that work with the College should email their business partner or contact us.
- Students should contact their tutor if they have any specific queries.
I have recently booked to attend your Open Day in June – is this event going ahead?
- Unfortunately, we have cancelled all our events for March, April, May and June 2020. We are following government advice and schools and colleges have been told to close until further notice.
- The safety of our staff, students and visitors is our highest priority and minimising visitors to the College is one way we can do this.
- In place of our Open Day, Experience Day and Discovery Day, you will have access to an interactive, online event accessible from your homes. #DiscoverLC will give you the opportunity to find out more about Leicester College, our courses, facilities and more! Keep an eye on your emails, our website, and social media for more information about this event in the following weeks.
I need some advice about what course to apply for. Is there anyone I can talk to?
- You can receive advice and guidance from the college’s award-winning and independent careers team for people under 19, and the National Careers Service for adults 19 and over are still able to give advice and guidance – just not in person.
- Click here to get in contact with the careers team.
The College is closed but are your commercial services still available?
- Our taste restaurant, gym, serenity hair and beauty salons and Sue Townsend Theatre are all closed until further notice in line with the latest government advice. The safety of our staff, students and visitors is our highest priority and by avoiding unnecessary social contact at these venues we can help to keep people safe. We apologise for any inconvenience cause.
When will the College re-open?
- We don’t know when we will be able to re-open. We continue to follow government advice and will remain closed until we are told that we are allowed to re-open.
What steps is the College taking to maintain safeguarding measures while closed?
- Whilst many of our students are now being supported to learn remotely safeguarding is still an absolute priority. If you have any concerns about the safety of one of our students, please contact us on 07825 175729 and 0791 7370304.
I am struggling being at home and away from College and my family and/or friends? Where can I get some help?
There are a lot of places that are still offering help and support for people. Even though they may not be able to offer face-to-face help you can still talk to them on the phone or online. You can also find advice available on the NHS’s every mind matters website. You can also contact the organisations below.
- Samaritans. Call free any time, from any phone 116 123.
- StayAlive. Suicide prevention.
- Turning Point. Free 24/7 mental health crisis helpline for over 18s in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Telephone 808 8003302.
- The Mix. Essential support for under 25s. Telephone 0808 808 4994.
- Kooth. Online support for young people.
We know that being at home for long periods of time can be stressful and relationships may become strained. If you are concerned about your safety, you can contact any of the contacts below. In an emergency call 999.
For current students
What efforts are the College making to keep students informed about college and course updates?
- We will be sending regular emails to all students to keep you informed about matters regarding the College and general advice provided by the government. We will also be putting together some blog posts with fun activities you can complete whilst staying at home.
- In the meantime, you can keep up to date with the latest news from the College by visiting our website and by following us on social media.
- You should keep in touch with your tutors through Moodle and/or Smart Assessor.
I have regular sessions with the College counselling team – can I still access this service from home?
- Counselling sessions will not continue in College however you can still contact your counsellor for emotional support.
I left some of my equipment in my locker at the College – can I come and collect these items?
- No – unfortunately, all three campuses are now closed to students and the public. Please be assured these items are safely locked away, and you can collect these once the college re-opens.
I am currently receiving the learning support fund bursary – will my payments and free meals continue even though we are not in College?
- Students receiving the weekly bursary for students in care/care leavers will continue to receive this. Students aged between 16-18 who receive free school meals have been contacted directly to arrange payments while they cannot receive free school meals. If you think you usually receive free school meals and have not been contacted, please let us know. According to the government, that while schools are closed young people will be able to claim vouchers for free school meals – this scheme does NOT apply to students at further education colleges. If you need urgent help, please contact the our safeguarding team on 07825 175729 or 0791 7370304 for more information and referral.
What is happening with my trip, and if it is cancelled, how do I get a refund?
- All trips abroad and in the UK have been cancelled and you will need to speak to your curriculum area to find out if your trip(s) have been rescheduled. Where trips have been cancelled with no intention to reschedule students will be refunded.
Will I be able to complete my course?
- Yes – our curriculum staff are working to provide lesson content, workshops and assignments through Moodle and/or Smart Assessor. Please check your Moodle and/or Smart Assessor daily for updates from your lecturers.
- We understand these are uncertain times, so please let your lecturer know by email if you need any support through your studies.
- Due to exams being cancelled what grade will I receive?
- The government has cancelled all exams due to take place this summer.
- On 3 April Ofqual, details are set out about how GCSE and A levels grades will be awarded. We are now working to provide this information to Ofqual.
- On 9 April Ofqual provided details about vocational and technical qualifications, and Functional Skills qualification will be graded. We are working to provide any evidence that is needed for grades for these qualifications to be issued.
- The Quality Assurance Agency for higher education has announced changes to the way Access to HE courses will be graded.
- Find out more about the government’s statement on exams and grades.
- Find out more about the government’s statement on exams and grades.
Why do I need to continue to study and engage in learning if my examinations or formal assessments are cancelled?
- It is important to keep motivated during these challenging circumstances. Studying now will help support you when you return to college and continue your studies.
- Students may also have the opportunity to resit exams in the future.
I currently send my child to the nursery – do I need to make other childcare arrangements?
- Both of our nurseries are now closed to all children. We apologise for any inconvenience, and we will notify you once our nurseries will reopen.
I have a library book that is due back during the closure. What should I do?
- Our student support team is currently working on responding to this question. Please check back soon for further information.
- Meanwhile, whilst the College is closed, you can continue to access our E-Library to support your studies and access books to enjoy in your free time.
For apprentices
I am currently an apprentice and complete my college work through Leicester College – do I need to continue with my studies even though my employment has ceased temporarily?
- Yes – you should complete your studies through the work set on Smart Assessor.
I am due to be reviewed for my apprenticeship – will this still be going ahead?
- Yes – our apprenticeship team will liaise with your employer about your review and where possible our team will conduct these assessments by video call or other online tools.
My exams are cancelled – how is this going to affect my apprenticeship?
- The government has cancelled all exams due to take place this summer.
- Following this decision, the exam board Ofqual and your teachers at the College will work together to provide grades to students whose exams have been cancelled this summer.
- We are at the very early stages of this decision and Ofqual is working to develop a fair and equal system to provide an accurate grade that reflects the work you have put in throughout this academic year. We will continue to update the students who were due to complete their courses and exams this summer when further details are finalised.
- Find out more about the government’s statement on exams and grades.
I would like to speak with the apprenticeship team as I have a more specific enquiry and would like some advice.
- No problem – our apprenticeship team are working remotely from the safety of their homes. You can contact the team by email at
For prospective students
Welcome events and interviews – how will I know if I have a place next year?
- If you attended a Welcome Event before we closed and have received an offer of a place you do not need to do anything else at present. The offer you have is still valid. When you receive your exam results we will be able to confirm your place.
- If your Welcome Event was cancelled because of the closure the conditional offer you have received is still valid. When you receive your exam results, we will be able to confirm your place.
- You will receive a letter to let you what you can do next when the enrolment time approaches.
I have applied to the college but have not had an offer yet. What should I do?
- We are working to issue offers to all applicants, but this is taking longer due to the current circumstances. If you have not received an offer yet, please be assured that all applicants who meet the entry criteria for their chosen course will be able to start with us during the next academic year.
- If when you receive your GCSE or other qualification results your grades are not as predicted please contact us to discuss your options. It may be possible for you to study a similar course at a different level.
Can I still apply to the College?
- Yes absolutely – we are still processing applications and making offers, however, under the current circumstances this is taking longer than usual.
- If you are aged between 16-18, you can apply to courses through the College website or if your school uses, by Positive Steps @ 16 (PS16) application system.
- If you are 19+ you can apply to courses on the College website by searching for the course of your choice and then clicking ‘Apply Now’.
How do I accept or decline my place on the course?
You can do this in several ways:
- Visit our online site
- You can log in to your PS16 account
- Email us to let us know. You must provide your name and date of birth. If you have your ID number (shown on your offer letter) available that would also be helpful.
When will I be able to enrol on my course?
- At present enrolment will still go ahead starting on Thursday 20 August 2020 unless we are advised otherwise by Public Health England and the government. We will write to you in July to let you know how to enrol on your course.
I cannot afford to pay the tuition fees for my course. Can I get help to pay my fees?
- If you are under 19 on 31 August 2020 and starting a full-time course you do not have to pay tuition fees
- If you are 19 or over, whether you have to pay fees depends on a number of factors
- If you have to pay tuition fees, you may be able to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan. You will not be able to apply for this until we send you the loan offer letter, with information about how to apply. This will be sent out during May.
- If you have to pay your fees yourself you may be able to pay by instalments if the fee is more than £150.
I cannot afford to pay for travel to college, childcare or material fees. Is there any help available?
- We have two learner support funds to help people on low incomes: one for students aged 16-18, and another for adults aged 19 and older to help with travel costs, childcare, essential kit, and meals in college. The amount of money we have for these funds is limited. It is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so you should apply as early as possible.
How do I get a reference added to my application now that the schools are closed?
- Your school should still have access to your records and will be able to provide a reference for your application before you submit it.
- If you apply without a reference, your application will be returned to you, and you will need to get in touch with your school before you resubmit it.
Can I apply for more than one course?
- You can apply for more than one course, however only one offer will be made. In other words, if you meet the entry requirements for the first choice this will more than likely be the course you will be offered.
For higher education students
How can I continue my studies whilst the College is closed?
- Teaching will be delivered remotely through emails, Moodle, DMU Blackboard or other specific channels available to lecturers. This format of teaching will continue until we break up on Friday 3 April 2020. Higher education students should regularly check emails, Smart Assessor and/or Moodle for information from the College or from your lecturers. We anticipate that, as undergraduates, high levels of independent learning will be applied by all students.
Can I still access both Leicester College and DMU’s facilities whilst teaching is completed remotely?
- All three Leicester College campuses are now closed to students and the public until further notice. Please contact your lecturers if you are looking to source materials for your course and they can assist you.
- DMU announced full campus closure as of 5pm on 24th March. You can find out more about the facilities open at DMU by visiting their website, and by checking regular updates you receive via email.
My graduation ceremony is planned for Saturday, 19 September 2020 – is this still going ahead?
- No. To ensure the safety of our students and staff, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the physical ceremony this year. We are looking into alternative ways of recognising the hard work and achievements of our higher education students and we will send information out as soon as it is available.
My exams have been cancelled – how is this going to affect my grades?
- Students due to sit exams during the summer term should refer to guidance received via email from De Montfort University. The guidance received as of 30/03/2020 is that on Monday, 30th March, at 9am, the current online central exam timetable will be removed. You will then receive all exam information and updates through Blackboard. We are aiming to have all the remaining information about your exams and deadlines on Blackboard by 9am on Monday.
I am on a DMU accredited course, what advice is there for me?
- All students can find out more information available from DMU regarding student accommodation and what facilities remain open.
I am staying in student accommodation – can you provide some further advice about self-isolation and whether we should stay or leave?
- The government’s advice is that students remaining at university in England should now stay where they are and not attempt to travel. According to the government’s guidelines, if you are living in the student halls, or private rented accommodation, you should remain there and stay indoors. As mentioned by the Prime Minister, staying and remaining indoors is a crucial step now to slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19 to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed and save the lives of fellow citizens. The government published advice on staying at home can be found here.In the situation where you or any of your friends fall ill while in your student residence, please find out more about self-isolating here.
- For further information, including accommodation fees, please keep checking the DMU website for further information.
Even though the college is shut – will I still receive my student loan?
- Following guidance received from the Department for Education, we can assure you that the Student Loans Company (SLC) is planning to make term 3 tuition fee payments as scheduled and that students will continue to receive maintenance payments on the scheduled dates, whether campuses are closed, or learning has moved online.
- New and existing students can continue to apply for student finance as normal and the SLC will continue to process any applications that have been received as quickly as possible.
I am in receipt of Disability Student Allowance – how can I have my needs assessed?
- In response to the Coronavirus, Student Finance England has announced that it is possible for students to access their DSA needs assessment remotely. They will need to contact their local access centre to find out availability.
I am interested in studying Higher Education at Leicester College – are you still accepting applications for 2020-21?
- Yes – please continue to apply to the College for 2020-21 through UCAS.
For parents/carers
How will my child continue their studies whilst the College is closed?
- Learning resources have been provided on Moodle and/or Smart Assessor. To ensure work is completed, lecturers will keep in contact with students via their student email addresses.
We do not have access to internet, so we cannot access the learning resource – what should we do?
- Before the College closing, our curriculum teams did their absolute best to ensure students who did not have access to a computer or the internet at home had learners’ packs to complete work. If this has not been provided to you, please call our customer services team to put you in contact with the curriculum team on 0116 224 2240.
We have a holiday booked over Easter – should we still go?
- We recommend you to follow the advice set out by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
For employers
Will my apprentice have exams/end point assessments still?
- The government has confirmed that there will be no exams this summer. All exams are cancelled.
I need to contact the College about my apprentice. Who can I contact?
- You can contact your business partner or email, and we can forward your query to the correct person.
I employ an apprentice. Can they continue working?
- Yes – your apprentices may continue working if your business is classed as essential work, and it is safe for them to do so. Certain businesses have been advised told to close by the government.